International HRM

305 HRM-  International HRM
SEMESTER 2 -2015

Coursework       [Contributes 100% to total module mark]
(Recommended Word Length 4,000 words
Maximum/ Minimum/Range    +/- 10% )
The word-count does not include your reference  list or contents page; it does include in-text referencing.
Submission by 20th April 2015, at 23:55 pm
Component 1 of the Assignment:
You are a senior international human resource manager in a British multinational corporation (X industry sector) planning to open a subsidiary in a country of your

choice (country B). In advance of ‘start-up’ formulate a critical essay to your board of executives  which addresses the following:
•    The major institutional and cultural differences which separate the UK and country B. You should make a reference to major political economic and social

factors as well as safety issues for expatriates in the host environment.
The advantages and disadvantages of working in bicultural managerial team comprising representatives from the UK and country B.
The benefits and drawback of devolving responsibility for managing key HR functions to a local management team in country B.
Component 2 of the Assignment :

•    a ‘Personal Reflection’ which is your own reflection on the process of working in a multicultural group and what you have learned.  Your reflection should be

written in the first person (use me / I) and should be no more than 500 words in total. This is part of your overall 4,000 word count.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
Demonstrate sound knowledge of the relationship between and the impact of culture on organisational life.
Identify key areas of similarity and difference in HR practice between countries.
Link the choice of strategic international HR with international business strategy approaches.
Measure the impact and effectiveness of international assignments.
PLAGIARISM WARNING ! – Assignments should not be copied in part or in whole from any other source, except for any marked up quotations, that clearly distinguish what

has been quoted from your own work. All references used must be given, and the specific page number used should also be given for any direct quotations, which should

be in inverted commas. Students found copying from the internet or other sources will get zero marks and may be excluded from the university.
Please note – It is taken for granted that your work will be suitably academically underpinned. Work that is not suitably supported by suitable academic references

will be subject to failure.
Your work must be in essay format using size 12 times font, 1.5 line spacing.
Coursework Submission
Unless instructed otherwise by your module leader, assessed coursework must be submitted by the deadline to the relevant assignment. Please, submit an electronic copy

of your assignment via the moduleweb. (See instructions on module web)

The electronic version of your assignment may be used to enable checks to be made using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites.
Students are required to attempt all assessed aspects of their course at the first opportunity. If you don’t, and you do not have a valid deferral, you will not be

allowed a re-sit. Please see the ‘Make your Mark’ page on Coventry University’s Student Portal and Section C of the ‘Essential information for all students’ insert for

further information.
Any student who submits a first piece of work late, without an authorised extension (or deferral) will receive a mark of 0%.  There is no longer any sliding scale of

late penalties. However, if you miss a deadline it is still worth submitting a piece of coursework late for a zero mark so that you do not automatically lose any re-

sit opportunity. Please see the ‘Make the Date’ page on Coventry University’s Student Portal and Section C of the ‘Essential information for all students’ insert for

further information.
Return of Marked Work
You can expect to have marked work returned to you by approximately 2 weeks after the submission date.

Marking Scheme  -Undergraduate Assignment Assessment Sheet
Distinction (70-100)*    Merit (60-69)    Pass (50-59)    Pass (40-49)    Fail (0-39)    Mark

Nature of topic(s)(10%)
0Identifies and describes the nature of topic(s) critically and thoroughly

0 Identifies and describes the nature of topic(s) correctly and critically

0 Identifies the nature of topic(s) correctly with adequate description
0 Identifies the nature of topic(s) correctly with some  description
0 Fails to identify the nature of topic(s) correctly

Literature review(30%)    0 Has evidence of reading on relevant material beyond those given in teaching sessions or exercises
0 Refers extensively to sources
0 Evaluates literature logically and critically
0Shows evidence of accessing and reading on relevant material
0 Refers to adequate sources
0 Analyses literature clearly and critically
0 Demonstrates clear understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues
0 Refers to some sources
0 Discusses literature thoroughly with some critical analysis
0 Presents some understanding of theories, concepts and issues
0 Refers to a few sources
0 Describes literature with limited critical analysis    0 Shows limited or no understanding of relevant literature
0 Refers to limited or no sources
0 Describes literature with no critical analysis

Analysis and discussion(35%)    0 Presents strong and critical analysis and discussion well-grounded in literature
0Shows both depth and breadth of understanding of the topic(s)
0Has well-reasoned arguments shown in analysis and discussion based on literature
0 Presents appropriate understanding of the topic(s)

0 Has logical and clear arguments shown in analysis and discussion based on literature
0 Demonstrates clear understanding of the topic(s)
0 Demonstrates some arguments in analysis and discussion based on literature
0 Shows basic understanding of the topic(s)    0 Has unsubstantiated and invalid analysis and discussion based on anecdotes and generalisation
0 Presents limited or no understanding of the topic(s)

Conclusion and recommendation (15%)    0 Summarises the assignment thoroughly and critically
0 Provides realistic and feasible recommendations
0 Summarises the assignment clearly and critically
0 Provides logical recommendations
0 Summarises the assignment adequately
0 Provides some recommendations
0 Summarises the assignment briefly
0 Provides a few recommendations
0 Provides limited or no summary of the assignment
0 Presents limited or no recommendations

Presentation and reference(10%)    0Conveys all information clearly and completely with logical order
0Displays excellent use of reference style
0 Delivers information clearly and accurately with sound structure
0Shows correct use of reference style with minor errors
0 Conveys content consistently without misunderstanding
0 Displays correct reference style but a few inconsistencies    0 Conveys content adequately without misunderstanding
0 Displays correct reference style but some inconsistencies    0 Provides vague content with many errors
0 Presents limited or no referencing with incorrect style