Strategic Human Resource Management

            Strategic human resource management is a set of actions and decisions that have a long-term effect on the performance of an organization. It assists the companies to meet the needs of employees in promoting the company goals. This brings about both the companies and its aspects which would include the provision of work, giving sick days and ensuring that the employees acquire the information concerning their security bringing some effect to the employees. Such aspects ensure good relation between business managers and the employees in the organization, (Thompson, 2012, page 1). The importance of operational and strategic human resource management.

The strategic human resource also ensures that the employees meet the needs and the requirements of a certain company. By ensuring this balance, the companies which take care of their employees ensure that they work in a conducive environment which contributes to the increase of the companies’ productivity. Thinking about the future in any company contributes to the ability to plan for the employees needs and improve the skills rate of the employees who would wish to continue working in the same company. Retention of employees in any company reduces the costs which would have been spent on hiring and training other employees, (Delaney & Huselid, 2007, page 949)

Operational human resource management involves the ways in which daily issues adhere to the requirements of the employing people legally. It ensures that all the requirements behind all the individuals’ leads to the success of the organization. Operational human resource management ensures that all transactions are carried out effectively in the business and in an orderly manner. It also offers all the support needed by the administration like the giving out contracts on employment and maintenance of the databases, (Delaney& Huselid, 2007, page 150).

The operational human resource is involved in both selection and the recruiting activities in the organizations. The public is usually made aware via advertisements which by reading the draft about the organization. The best criterion is then applied in the selection of the workers. The operational human resource management also ensures that the best discipline is maintained in the organization which ensures that there is a smooth flow of the activities as well as ensuring that there is good conduct between the people in the organization, (Baird, 2010, page 117).

Individual course work is also put in to test where the performance is evaluated and after which the management finds ways of dealing with the employee. They may choose to offer more training and if there is still no improvement, the employment might be terminated. Misconduct is also observed and failure to correct may lead to dismissal or taking of some discipline actions. The operational human resource management is also responsible for the data analysis and providing all the reports to the organization. They analyze the various ways in which they could rate the employees based on the available information concerning them, (Lynne, 2010, page 1).

            The human resource management is the major supporter of the business in all aspects and it should therefore be managed and taken good care of. This facilitates the smooth flow of the business operations which enables the company to achieve its objectives. Success of the company is then assured whenever human resource management operates as required.

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