Industry Analysis

Industry Analysis

look closely at the industry they intend to pursue in their professional career. Students who do not have a specific career goal just yet should plan to write on one

of their possible career interests. Those with goals not specific to a single field should choose any industry they are interested in for the purposes of this

This response must address the following:

Part I – The Industry

Overview: What are the major corporations within the industry?
A Specific Company/Corporation: Of those mentioned above, choose one company and expand:
General Information: Where are they located? Are there branch offices? How many people do they employ? What kinds of products and services do they provide?
Provide a brief history. When was it established? By whom? Has the company changed from its inception? How?
Who are the major “players”, i.e. who are the executives, entrepreneurs, development experts, etc.?  Discuss their educational background, professional experience,

and reputation.
Products or services: What are their ‘top sellers’?  Are these products ‘selling’ well?
Reputation: What is the company’s reputation for customer relations? What is their reputation as an employer? How well are they doing financially?
What are the present trends in that industry? Is the field growing? Diminishing? What are the newest developments? Who are they hiring?

Part II – You

What particular jobs are you interested in?
What approaches will you take to obtain a job in that field?
Your educational plan: What classes will you take and when will you take them? How will your core classes prepare you?  How will your electives prepare you?
Preparation: What areas do you plan to work on (outside of school) to prepare yourself for finding employment?  Examples: entry-level jobs related to the field?

Internships? Approaches to ‘networking’ – to gain access to other in the field? Organizations to join or conferences to attend?


This paper should clearly communicate the nuances of the chosen industry. You must communicate this information to a wide audience, one not necessarily familiar

with the specific industry nor up-to-date in certain forms of technology being addressed. Your industry analysis, especially in terms of the newer developments and

trends, can become extremely complex and technical. Knowing that eventually you will have to gain skill in explaining the complexities of your work to others, it’s

important that you keep your audience in mind.
A major component of this paper, and the reason it’s assigned, is to get you familiar with your intended field before graduation. Part II of this paper is about

you and for you. You may use words like “I” and “my,” but I encourage you to take great care to avoid those unless they’re ABSOLUTELY necessary to convey the idea.

Here’s an example:

The field of programming is especially fascinating due to its…
Remember that your name is on the paper–your reader will make the connection.
One section that is often underdeveloped is the approach you plan to take to obtain work in the field and the specific classes/educational experiences you will

need. This is a significant component of your analysis. Specifics are required – names and descriptions of classes (past, present, & future), full explanations as to

how they will prepare you for the field, specific professional affiliations, internships, etc.