Teaching reproductive health to young students

Teaching reproductive health to young students

Reproductive health is a sensitive topic mostly to young students. Creating a good environment for students to open up to this topic is a very difficult task. In some manner it involves behavior change and overcoming stereotypes among the students. Engaging the student to open up and give their opinions is the best approach to such an issue. The teacher goes a further step to counsel the students where necessary. Tackling various questions from the students requires a lot of integrity in order to give credible information.

The teacher should note that at this stage; the students are very curious to discover the world around them. This involves the nature of questions the students pose; this requires the teacher to avoid any emotional reaction and give a defined answer to the best of their capability. Handling issues such as early pregnancy and premarital sex is also important. This group is advised to abstain from sexual engagement as opposed to a more advanced group who are past teenage. Teaching the students about drugs and STIs is equally important. Teaching student to treat patients with STIs such as HIV/AIDS is also important. Teaching to avoid discrimination and stigmatization is a very important aspect. This requires partnering with the parents too in order to assist to monitor the student both at school and at home.

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