Strategics Marketing Academic essay – Write My School Essay

  1. As a consultant to Dana Wheeler, how to you interpret the consumer market data?
  2. What is the expected outcome of each of the targeting scenarios? (Complete both the Ad Revenue and Financial calculators to full understand the financial impact of the scenarios).
  3. Develop a factual analysis of the segmentation options, and evaluate the pros and cons of each.
  4. As a consultant to Dana Wheeler, what would you recommend and why?
  5. Dana is filling the role of change agent in this organization. How should she manage the discussion and meeting to be most effective in leading a group to make the right decision? What is your management advice to her?



please read carefully and follow the instructors (attached)

you can use this book as reference to help you


It will be helpful to you to consider:
• Key Facts

• Market research highlights

• Financials

• Change Management and issues

• Pros and cons of segmentation options

• The data in the financials is based on internal estimates. How might you consider using sensitivity analysis; what other considerations might help with this sort of data

• Please prepare the written memo and analysis in word and do include a short executive PowerPoint (max 2 pages) (to be turned into me in class).

• How and which relationships could help Dana? How can she address mitigation of risks from potential stakeholders who may resist her recommended plans

• This case is really focused on development of market segmentation options using a combination of input sources (market and consumer data, financial analysis, stakeholder inputs, and other analytic resources)

• You can see the comparison between mass-oriented options and niche options and the variables involved

• Changing environment is driving need for change

Maximum page limit of 5 pages (and up to another 5 pages of appendix/exhibits) and must have a cover (not included in page count) and include the following : o Individual name o Date submitted o Course number o Title of case/assignment • 12 point, double-spaced font, 1 inch margins on all sides. • Number all your pages • Also, companioned with your case write up should be no more than a 2 page executive summary in PowerPoint • Assume you are a marketing/management consultant hired by the company that is the subject of the case (think/act like consultants) advising the company in responding to any of the questions provided; write the report as a consulting deliverable to a client • Turn cases in no later than beginning of class. No late submissions (so as to be fair to your fellow classmates) • Writing quality matters Your case will be evaluated according the following criteria:
• Content (45 possible points): Included here is whether the student has substantially and fully examined all of the issues, problems, and understands all aspects of the facts of the case. Does the student fully understand the dynamics of the case and have they presented realistic alternatives, realistic objectives, and sound implementation strategies.
• Presentation Itself (30 Possible Points): Included here are layout, content, and readability of the slides or other forms for electronically presenting the material. Encompasses the applicable Excel slides, charts, graphs, data tables, a situation analysis, problem definitions, alternatives, and recommendations. (If a presentation is involved, the professionalism of the presenters).
• Completeness (25 Possible Points): Includes the correctness of answering questions from the instructor and/or audience members, as well as preparation by the student member to all of the relevant facts, figures, assumptions, recommendations, and strategies of the student.