Marketing plan for Young life of East Alabama

Marketing plan for Young life of East Alabama
Using the information you learned in section assignments 1-3, as well as what you learned from the textbook, and your non-profit client research, create a final proposed marketing plan for your client. There are three samples for you to follow as a template. You will need to complete your own work; do not plagiarize from the templates or other sources. (Remember, plagiarism means an œF in the course). You can follow the templates in regards to headings. You MUST use a WORD DOCUMENT FORMATNOT A Powerpoint format.
Remember what the purpose of the fundraising marketing plan is. For this term, your purpose is to propose a method of fundraising for your client.
Is the assigned you can create a marketing plan to:
Host s specific or on-going event to raise a specific amount of money.
Create a fundraising campaign to raise money for a specific project or short-term need of the client (such as a new enclosure at the animal habitat facility).
Create a donor outreach to raise money by obtaining corporate or individual levels of partnerships.
At a minimum, you should include the following headings:
Executive Summary
Situation Analysis (Macro-Environment to include the SWOT)
Marketing Strategy for the Fundraiser (to include the goals/objectives)
Financials (guestimated) and Budgets
Contingency Plans