


Project description
Writer’s Workshop. Frew, Robert and Nancy Sessano. Palo Alto: Peek, 2006.
Follow the Writing Process detailed in Chapter One of your text. (Skills Practice 3.16 will help in the planning/mapping of your paragraph.)
Remember that the topic sentence should clearly express the main idea of your paragraph. Are you writing a cause paragraph or an effect one? Your topic sentence should indicate, not announce, what your topic is about.

AnnouncingI am going to discuss the effects of high gas prices on my budget.

IndicatingThe high cost of gasoline has had an adverse effect on my monthly budget.

Ÿ The body of your paragraph should develop and support your topic sentence. You do not have room for any unnecessary sentences. Try to have three causes or effects to support and develop your paragraph.

Ÿ The last sentence in your paragraph should conclude your paragraph. (œThe End! does not count.)

All assigned paragraphs/essays must meet the following requirements:
Prewriting must be completed AND submitted with the final draft. If it is not, I will not grade your paragraph.
Materials should be organized in the following way: Final draft, Prewriting, Outline/Map, Rough Drafts.
At least one rough draft must be completed and submitted.
The final copy must be in Times New Roman, Courier, or Ariel font. The size should be 12 cpi only. The only acceptable color is black.
Use standard margins (1  for top/bottom and for left/right margins) and indent the first line of the paragraph.
You do not need a title page for paragraphs, so please include the following in the top left-hand margin: your name, the class title, my name, and the date.

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