Religion and Theology

Brochure or Presentation on a Religion

Select one (1) of the following religions with which you are least familiar: Buddhism, Islam, or Judaism,

and complete this assignment.

Choose Buddhism, Judaism, or Islam and create a four page brochure in which you:

1. Focus on one (1) of the following topics:

a. major festivals (discuss a minimum of two [2] of your choice)

b. meditation (purpose, method, etc.)

c. rites of passage (funerals, marriage, etc.)

2. Provide a brief overview of the following:

a. the type / sect of the religion on which you are reporting

b. the origin of the religion, key people who practice, beliefs, view of God, description of the

sacred text

c. the countries where the festival / meditation rites of passage are practiced

d. the festival / meditation / rite of passage of this religion

3. Include five to ten (5-10) images to make your brochure engaging, attractive, and easy to read.
