Criminal Law custom essay – Write My School Essay

Alan and Betty are contestants in a TV game show ‘Eviction’. It includes a series of games directed by ‘The Boss’ between contestants with the aim that the losing contestant is evicted from the show. Alan and Betty have become particularly competitive and neither has any intention of being evicted. As the show progresses it is clear that Betty is in the lead and Alan thinks he is facing eviction. This makes Alan very angry and he starts arguing with Betty. Eventually Alan punches Betty so hard in the face that Betty’s cheekbone is fractured. Betty is taken to hospital where the fracture is set but unfortunately she develops septicaemia (blood poisoning), which the doctors fail to diagnose. Betty dies after three days of terrible suffering.
From the TV control room Cathy and Derek, the producers of ‘Eviction’ and directors of Eviction Ltd the production company, had been watching the argument between Alan and Betty but had delayed sending in security to stop or calm down the incident. Ratings for the show had been dropping and such an incident, when shown would help create great interest in the show and the ratings would increase. Security officers were sent in after Alan punched Betty.
Advise of Alan, Cathy, Derek and Eviction Ltd of their potential criminal liability and any possible defences.