Program Interventions custom essay – Write My School Essay

As a program model, each intervention has a specific mission, goal, and unique program activities designed to achieve that goal. For this discussion, consider two program models from the readings this week and then compare and contrast each of them in terms of their program elements. That is, discuss some of the ways that the goal, program activities and skills sets for the program staff of each program model may be similar and how they may be different. What are the common program activities or practices used? How might program personnel and their skill sets be different or similar for each model? What aspects of social work practice might be different or similar? Write a brief, half page summary statement of your answer and post it to the discussion forum to gain feedback from the class. Respond to the statements of at least two other classmates and provide a critique their analysis. You can access this discussion board by clicking on Discussions in the navigation menu. Emergency Shelters: Definition of “emergency shelter” and summaries of various issues with shelter operation. The Federal Government Plan to End Homelessness: Opening Doors Health issues: “Health, Housing and Service Supports for Three Chronic Homeless Populations” Permanent supportive housing: assessing the evidence Homeless Prevention: “Rapid re-housing” model Preventing Chronic Homelessness: “Housing First Models” Effectiveness of Homeless Outreach and Engagement Interventions: A survey of the literature Multimedia Pathways to Housing: The Housing First Model (First person stories of the lived experience on the street) (Time 3:04 mins) –Transcript Role of Emergency Shelter Services: a consumer perspective (Time 9:12 mins) – Transcript