Health variation Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

hello writer, i’m going to send u an attached file related to this essay assignment. please use 8 APA style referencing which should be not older than 5 year, so u need to use references (2012-2017). for references include(journal article, online websites, text-books).

in this essay introduction is 10% word count.
body paragraph – 80% of word count where 2 main areas of focus-:
1. end of life care requirements of dying patients and their family in an acute care setting.
2. Issues faced by nurses delivering end of life care.

and the conclusion – 10% of word count.
answer the following questions –
1. care requirements ( Identifies and explain the end of life care requirements of a dying patient in the acute care setting.)
2.Nursing issues (describe the issues that are faced by nurses who are responsible for delivering end of care.)
3.use of referencing and conventions.
4.essay structure.

for the more information please find an attachment material related to this assignment.

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