In its current form, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) simply won’t achieve its original goals of expanding access, making health care more affordable, and improving the quality of care.

HA3900:  Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare System, Full 2014, White

Statement #1 (25 points): 

In about ½ of a page (single-spaced), please state whether you agree, disagree, or have a mixed opinion regarding the following statement and argue, via evidence and claims from what you have learned in class, why you have picked your stated position.  Be sure to comprehensively explain and support your reasoning.

Statement #1:In its current form, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) simply won’t achieve its original goals of expanding access, making health care more affordable, and improving the quality of care.

Your Response:





Statement #2 (25 points): 

In about ½ of a page (single-spaced), please state whether you agree, disagree, or have a mixed opinion regarding the following statement and argue, via evidence and claims from what you have learned in class, why you have picked your stated position.  Be sure to comprehensively explain and support your reasoning.

Statement #2: Guaranteed issue and community rating are two provisions in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that will increase costs and exacerbate adverse selection.

Your Response:



Statement #3 (25 points): 

In about ½ of a page (single-spaced), please state whether you agree, disagree, or have a mixed opinion regarding the following statement and argue, via evidence and claims from what you have learned in class, why you have picked your stated position.  Be sure to comprehensively explain and support your reasoning.



Statement #3:Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)have become an emphasis in health policy circles, but some feel they represent the return of the 1990s managed care.  Accountable care, however, represents afundamental rethinking of how care is delivered rather than a narrow focus on costs.

Your Response:





Statement #4 (25 points): 

In about ½ of a page (single-spaced), please state whether you agree, disagree, or have a mixed opinion regarding the following statement and argue, via evidence and claims from what you have learned in class, why you have picked your stated position.  Be sure to comprehensively explain and support your reasoning.

Statement #4:We must move away from a supply-driven health care system organized around what physicians do and toward a patient-centered system organized around what patients need.

Your Response:








(This doesn’t count toward the grade of your final, but comments will be taken into consideration when I complete the grades for class participation.)


If everyone in your group contributed equally and you don’t have any strong positive or negative feelings about any of the other group members, you DO NOTneed to fill out this section.  If you leave this section blank, I will assume that you would have given everyone in your group a passing grade.


If, however, one or more individuals in your group did excellent work or poor/unacceptable work, I would like to know.  For those cases, please list the group member’s name and make a few comments.



Name of Group Member Comments Grade you would give (A “ F)


