Employee Selection Process Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

Employee Selection Process

Write a 700to
paper in Microsoft® Word in the third person voice in which you analyze the case by
addressing the following:
•What federal laws were violated according to the case? Explain how they were violated and why.
•Defend against or support the decision to promote the plaintiff.
•Identify which individuals in the case need training and development in the future to minimize risk in the employment
selection processes.
•Assess training and development programs and explain what type of training and development is needed by the
defendant company.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Use at least a minimum of three intext
citation sources within your paper and they must be identified in your APA correctly
formatted References page.
Please insure that you have attached an APA compliant cover sheet as required by the APA and the University
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
