International Business Essay Dissertation Help – Write My School Essay


Task 1:  Choose an organisation that manufactures a consumer product of your choice. Write an essay of 1000 words explaining and evaluating the international marketing methods of that organisation(AC 1.1).


With reference to the above task you need to consider the following:

  • The global trends affecting the organisation
  • International marketing environments
  • Market entry methods
  • Methods for measuring success
  • International market plan


Task 2: a) Compare and Contrast the differentiated and undifferentiated marketing strategies in international marketing b) giving examples of companies and products to prove your work. You can do this in form of a table, grid or in a prose written summary with c) a conclusion which gives your views on differentiated and undifferentiated strategies(A.C.1.2)


Inthis task you need to consider the question(s) above carefully and cover all parts in your work


Task 3: Choose between two multinational companies (e.g. Unilever and Nestle) and in no more than 900 words critically review the workings of your chosen multinational company(A.C. 2.1)


With reference to this task you need to consider how  the following relate to your chosen multinational:

  • Characteristics and features of a multinational
  • Advantages and disadvantages of being a multinational






Task 4: Write a blog which analyses the effect that dominant markets have on BRICS (emerging markets) and state the advantages and disadvantages for BRICS countries( A.C.3.1)

With reference to this task you need to consider the following:

  • Features of an emerging market and a dominant world market
  • Advantages and disadvantages of both
  • What effect, both positive and negative does the dominant market have on the emerging market.





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