research paper on an Old Testament pericope of your choice (8-25 verses long).

The final paper is a demonstration of your ability to engage in proper Exegesis using the knowledge you have gained over the course of this class.


Type of service:
Research Paper

Double spacing

Paper format:
Chicago / Turabian

Number of pages:
4 pages

Number of sources:
4 sources

Paper details:

The final paper is a demonstration of your ability to engage in proper Exegesis using the knowledge you have gained over the course of this class. Write a five-page research paper on an Old Testament pericope of your choice (8-25 verses long). Describe the passage in terms of its place in the book, the structure, purpose, historical and culture background, and theological points. Provide your interpretation of the passage in light of all these factors and how you believe the passage should be applied in the life of a believer. Minimum of 10 scholarly sources (e.g. Peer-reviewed journals, academic commentaries, monographs) of required, may use textbook. Paper must be double-spaced, 12 pt, Times new Roman, 1 –inch margins, Turabian style of writing papers,
Required text
Hill, Andrew E, John H. Walton, A Survey of the Old Testament , third ed. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 2009.

The Future of Freedom: Nonexistent

The Future of Freedom: Nonexistent


Type of service:

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
10 pages

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper details:

The paper is on the handmaid’s tale and Brave New World and how freedom is restricted in both books and the authors intent. Can’t use outside sources only knowledge of the books. The first part should be about one book, then the second about the other with making note of the similarities to the first book. Then in the third part, talk about the different main characters (offred and john) and their repression of society although different both are restricted. Then conclusion cautionaries – what are the authors warning against in the current world

Mid adulthood, midlife and coping strategies

Mid adulthood, midlife and coping strategies


Type of service:
Research Paper

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper details:

researchers have found an early- to mid-adulthood plateau in the frequency of daily stressors, followed by a decline as work and family responsibilities ease and leisure time increases and midlife brings an increase in effective coping strategies. Please describe why you believe this does or does not happen and also provide two examples to support your position.

Right to education

Right to education


Type of service:
Research Paper

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
6 pages

Number of sources:
2 sources

Paper details:

Please only use EBSCOhost for work cited please only that they are supposed to be peer-reviewed.

New venture opportunity and SWOT analysis paper

New venture opportunity and SWOT analysis paper


Type of service:

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
5 pages

Number of sources:
5 sources

Paper details:

Assignment Instructions

New venture opportunity and SWOT analysis paper


This week we will study the SWOT analysis in detail.   This week’s paper is required to be approximately 4 -6 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page.    No paper should be fewer than 1400 words.  Double space your work, cite your sources, limit quotes, and edit your work well!  Your work will automatically be reviewed by Turnitin upon submission.  You will be able to see your similarity report within 20 minutes after your submission.  Resubmits are not permitted.  Please make sure you cite your work properly and avoid direct quotes.


For this assignment you will invent a new business.  This is a new start – up venture, not an existing one or one that is expanding.  Do not use a business created in a previous class.  You may not use papers (or any part of a paper) submitted in another class.  Make up the business, the location, the client base, and the product or service.  Do not use any real company.  You may review a real company’s website for ideas, but the basis of this paper should be your own ideas.  Your opening sentence should begin with something like this:  “The new business venture that I will evaluate is ……………..”   Expect that your business will be opened in this coming year, not one that opened 10 years ago.    Your introduction should include a description of your company and any details that are important to the reader.  The description of your company should be a couple paragraphs with a summary of the business.  The other details can be discussed when you are reviewing each of the SWOT elements.  The final goal of this paper is to prepare a SWOT analysis of your new venture company.  Make sure you have at least two other sources (other than the text) to supplement your work.


You tube video


After developing your new venture and describing it thoroughly in the beginning of your paper, provide a thorough SWOT analysis.   Make sure you have included the actual SWOT analysis quad chart (embedded within your paper) listing the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities.  You can use your own chart, but your paper should include a simple SWOT chart with the four segments.  Then, you must discuss each segment thoroughly and explain what you have learned from performing your analysis.


So, your paper should include a title page and a reference page (no abstract is required):


1 – a description of your new venture (have a clear introduction)


2 – include a simple quad chart with the four basic quadrants embedded in your paper


3 – a thorough explanation of what you have learned from the analysis, further defining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats


  1. be sure to include monetary information. You can’t evaluate a new start up for a beauty salon if you don’t include the costs to start up.   How many hair cuts would you have to provide customers before you break even each month (of course you can estimate costs).   For instance, you have to purchase equipment (dryers, chairs, etc) and you have to rent space (or buy space).   What is the monthly rent or mortgage payment and how easily will that be earned each month.   Include all other costs also (payroll, supplies, advertising, etc). Where will the start up money come from?


5 –  an evaluation – based on what you have learned, will you continue your business venture?   Be sure to answer that question at the close of your paper.



comparing theoretical perspectives

comparing theoretical perspectives


Type of service:
Research Paper

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
3 pages

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper details:

 This assignment is not one essay writing. As you can notice it require little research and has different parts.
Part A and Part B are set two small a.
Part C requires a paragraph. and so on
If required a can provide further material required to complete this assignment.
I have roughly selected three pages, there won’t be much for writing but quite different ideas are required. I would really appreciate if you can work on it and help me with it.

How has the IRS handled the challenge of US persons hiding assets outside the US? How have FBAR and FATCA reporting helped with this effort? What have been the most effective means in dealing with this problem?

How has the IRS handled the challenge of US persons hiding assets outside the US? How have FBAR and FATCA reporting helped with this effort? What have been the most effective means in dealing with this problem?


Type of service:
Research Paper

Double spacing

Paper format:
Chicago / Turabian

Number of pages:
12 pages

Number of sources:
6 sources

Paper details

How has the IRS handled the challenge of US persons hiding assets outside the US? How have FBAR and FATCA reporting helped with this effort? What have been the most effective means in dealing with this problem?

Standard Tax Citations are Presented
Public Laws
Committee RePort
for illustrative and prescriptive purposes. They do not necessarily track to actual
U.S. Const. art. I, $ 8, ci. 2.
U.S. Const. amend, XIV, S 2.
s 101(bx2xBxii).
P .L. 1.12-240 (American ‘f axpayer Relief Act of 2AL2) ‘
Convention Between the Government of the United States of America
and the Government of Iceland for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with ResPect to ‘faxes on
Income, October 23,2007, United States – Iceland, Article i4′
convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention
of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income’ U’S’-Austl”
art. 1, Aug. 6,1982,35 U.S.T. 1999′
H.Rpt. ll4-357 Conference Report (to accompany H’R’22)’P’L’
Ll4-g4, U.S. House. Fixing America’s Surface ‘fransportation Act’

]oint Committee on Taxation, Description of the Chairman’s Mark of
the Miners Protection Act of 2016 (ICX-84-16), September 19’20)’6′
Reg.5 1.263(a)-1.
T.D. 9636.
Reg. S 1.163-8T.
Prop. Reg. $ i.263(9)-1.
Rev. Rul. 2013-20, 2A].l^-40 I.R.B. 272
Rev. Ru1. 96-58,1996-2 C.8.6
Rev. Proc. 20i3-30, 2A1336l.R.B. i73′
Ltr. Rul. 2016$0A9 or PLR 201643009′
TAM 200908050.
Notice 2010-50, 2010-27 I.R.B’ 12.
Announcement 2013-20, 2}fi.14 I’R’B’ 761′
GCM 39893
cc{ 201643023
AOD 2016-0 1, 2016-16 lRB, 41 412016.
Estate o.f D. R. Daly,3 B.T.A. 1042 (1926).
-freasury Decision
Iemporary Reguiation
Proposed Regulation
Revenue Ruling
Revenue Ruling (before 2009)
Revenue Procedure
Letter Ruling
‘fechnicai Advice Memo
General Counsel Memorandum
Chiel Counsel Advice
Actiolr on Decision
Board of Tax APPeals:
GPO rePorter
Tax Court Regular:
(temporary citation)
-fax Court Regular:
GPO rePorter
‘l’zrx Court Memo:
l’homson Reuters
Tax Court SurnmarY OPir-rion
District Court:
-1’hotnson Reuters:
Mehan, MartY, 122 T’C. , No. 5 (2004).
Mehan, Marty, 1’22 T.C. 396 (2004)’
Dixon, Michel,78 T.C.M 462 (1999).
Dixan, Michel, T.C. Memo 1999-3i0
lnrlrit lljazi, T.C. Summary Opinion 20lA-59′
\ahull v. u.5., 602 I’. Supp, 2d L87 (DCt’ D’C” 2OO9)
Bohall v, u.s., 2009-1 USTC , 50,307 (Dct. D’c’)
Bohall v. U.S., t03 AFTR 2d 2009-1338 (DCt’ D’C’)
Esposito i,. U.S., 70 Fed. C1. 558 (2006)
Esposito v. u.s., 20a6-2 usIC 5 50,434 (Fed. C1.)
Esposito v. LlS., 97 AFTR2d 2A06-1733 (Fed. Cl.)
Home Concrete & Suppry, LLC v. U.S., 63.1 b.3d 219 (CA-4, 2011).
Home Cancrete & Sttpply, LLC v, U.5.,2011-1 USTC { 50,341 (CA-1).
Home Concrete & Suppll’, LLC v. U.5., 107 AFTR 2d 20ll-1726 (CA-4)
U.S. ,,,. Clintwood Elkhorn Mining Co., Et Al., 551
u,s. 1 (2008)
U.S. v. Clintntood Elkhorn Mining Co., Et,{1., 128
s. ct. 1s11 (200s)
U.S. v. Clintwood Elkhorn lvlining Co., Et Al.,
2008-1 Lrsl’c { s0,281 (USSC)
U.S. t,. Clinttood Elkhorn Mining Co., Et Al., 101
AFTR 2d 2008-1612 (USSC)
Sawyers, R., Raabe, W., Whittenburg, G., and Gill, S., 2014. Federal Tax Research, iOth ed. X,{ason, OH: South-Westen.r.
Everett, J., Hennig, C., and Raabe, \\’., Converting a C Corporation Into an LLC, lottrrtul o.t Toxation \ro1. 113,
No. 2 (August 2010).
Proper nouns and u,ords derir.ed from them are capitalized vr’hi1e comn.ron nouns are not. The names of specitic persons, places, or things are proper nouns. Ali other nout.ts are common nouns. Examples of proper nouns include:
the Congress
Section 172(a)
Regulation S 1.102-1 or the Proposed Regulation (reterences tcl regulations in generai do not need to be
the Fifth Circuit
the ‘lax Court
a revenLle ruling or a private letter ruling
I talics
1n handlr,ritten or t,yped papers In4gl!$ry represerlts italics. The titles of books, magazines. nerr’spirpels,
pamphlets and court cases are shon,n in italics. Examples of items that are italicized include:
ll t t \\’ e a I th o/- .Yaticrir-i
Journal o.f ‘l axatton
Npu’ \’ork Times
Gregory t,. Helt,ering
Note: Do not italicize the titles of 1ega1 documents such as the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Corle.
Court of Federal Claims:
Thomson Reuters:
Court of Appeals:
Thomson Reuters:
Supreme Court:
‘llhor:rson Reuters:

Social, economic and political aspects of one early Ethiopian Empire (before 1850)

Social, economic and political aspects of one early Ethiopian Empire (before 1850)


Type of service:

Single spacing

Paper format:
Chicago / Turabian

Number of pages:
5 pages

Number of sources:
13 sources

Paper details:

(You can do the Ethiopian Empire or Axum Empire, the course is about the history of Africa before 1850, so all the sources have to be before 1850.)

Structure: the essay must have an introduction, supporting body paragraphs and a conclusion.

Citations: references must be cited properly following Chicago Manual of Style and include a proper bibliography. You may use either footnotes or endnotes (though you will find footnotes much easier)

Sources: you must integrate a minimum of five outside (not included in course materials, but of your own research) sources and eight sources overall. I suggest you begin your research proposal by drawing from course materials and then slowly working toward integrating outside sources. If you encounter difficulty finding outside sources, consult the Instructor for suggestions.

Pharmacological Treatments

Pharmacological Treatments

– Nursing

Type of service:
PowerPoint Presentation

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
10 pages

Number of sources:
3 sources

Paper details:

Create a 10–12-slide PowerPoint presentation to identify medications associated with Type II Diabetes Mellitus, explain the actions and side effects of the medications, and discuss any controversies related to the medications. Explain a treatment regime, including pharmacology, for the disease or health condition you selected, along with how the treatment regime may affect a client’s lifestyle.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
o Competency 1: Apply practice guidelines and standards of evidence-based practice related to pharmacology for safe and effective nursing practice.
 Identify the pharmacological agents most often used in the treatment of a disease or health condition.
 Describe the treatment regime, including pharmacology, most often prescribed for a disease or health condition.
 Explain the controversies related to a pharmacological agent.
o Competency 2: Explain the relationship between quality patient outcomes, patient safety, and the appropriate use of pharmacology and psychopharmacology.
 Explain the types of actions, side effects, indications, and contraindications that may be expected from a pharmacological treatment.
 Describe how a treatment regime, including pharmacology, may impact a client’s lifestyle.
 Describe how to monitor a client following a prescribed treatment regime, including pharmacology, in order to obtain a quality patient outcome.
o Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations of a nursing professional.
 Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
 Correctly format citations and references using current APA style.

By having a thorough understanding of pharmacology, nurses can eliminate possible medication errors in their nursing practices. The basic principles of pharmacology include pharmacokinetics (what the body does to a drug) and pharmacodynamics (what a drug does to the body). Pharmacology plays a significant role in the nursing profession, so it is extremely important for nurses to understand the actions of the pharmacological agents they will administer to patients in order to intervene appropriately if necessary.
Another critical skill for a nurse is the ability to apply and evaluate evidence-based practices, principles, models, and pharmacological guidelines and protocols commonly used in nursing practice. Understanding how specific protocols and guidelines are developed will aid nurses in treating patients with a multitude of physiological and psychological conditions.
Nurses must be able to measure outcomes of pharmacological interventions when caring for patients. The effective use of evidence-based practice guidelines, models, and principles is one way that nurses can analyze quality outcomes for the pharmacological treatments used for patients.
Pharmacology includes different categories of major drugs used in the treatment of primary diseases. The same drug may be used to treat more than one disease or condition, while two patients with the same disease may require different drug treatments. In addition, the professional nurse must be aware of what types of things can influence a patient’s response to a drug. Some things are obvious—other medications, for example—while some are less so. Things like age, weight, herbs—even foods people eat every day—can influence how a person responds to a particular drug. At times, even a strong cultural belief can influence how a drug will react. Nurses who administer drugs have a responsibility to assess patients for both the desired response, as well as for any unwanted and potentially harmful reactions that may occur.
Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.
o What constitutes a medication error? How can medication errors be prevented?
o How do you use evidence-based practice in your workplace?
Library Resources
The following e-books or articles are linked directly in this course:
o Ward-Abel, N., Vernon, K., & Warner, R. (2014). An exciting era of treatments for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 10(1), 21–28.
o Cohen, M. R. (2015). Medication errors. Nursing, 45(3), 72.
o Hernandez, J., Goeckner, B., & Wanzer, L. (2011). Perioperative pharmacology: Pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics. AORN Journal, 93(2), 259–266; 267–269 (quiz).
o Cooper, G. A. A., Kronstrand, R., & Kintz, P. (2012). Society of Hair Testing guidelines for drug testing in hair. Forensic Science International (Online), 218(1), 20–24.
o Drach-Zahavy, A., Somech, A., Admi, H., Peterfreund, H., Peker, H. & Priente, O. (2014). How do we learn from errors? A prospective study of the link between the ward’s learning practices and medication administration errors. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51(3), 448–457.
o Eisenberg, S. (2012). NIOSH safe handling of hazardous drugs guidelines becomes state law. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 35(5), 316–319.
o Molloy, L., Field, J., Beckett, P., & Holmes, D. (2012). PRN psychotropic medication and acute mental health nursing: Reviewing the evidence. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 50(8), 12–15.
o Fleming, S., Brady, A., & Malone, A. (2014). An evaluation of the drug calculation skills of registered nurses. Nurse Education in Practice, 14(1), 55–61.
o Bench, S., Day, T., & Metcalfe, A. (2013). Randomised controlled trials: An introduction for nurse researchers. Nurse Researcher, 20(5), 38–44.
o Jenny, J. L., Jenny, C., Jayadevan, S., Jayakumary, M., Mohamed, A., Arun, S., & Mohamed, F. M. (2012). Nurses opinion on the attributes of polypharmacy in patient safety. Acta Medica Iranica, 50(7), 516–521.
o Patel, N. K., Wood, R. C., & Espino, D. V. (2012). Cultural considerations: Pharmacological and nonpharmacological means for improving blood pressure control among Hispanic patients. International Journal of Hypertension, 2012, 831016.
o Cleary-Holdforth, J., & Leufer, T. (2013). The strategic role of education in the prevention of medication errors in nursing: Part 2. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(3), 217–220.
Internet Resources
Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have either been granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.
o Institute for Safe Medication Practices. (n.d.). Retrieved from
o Healthy People 2020. (2015). Retrieved from
o National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved from
o Heart Failure Society of America. (n.d.). Retrieved from
 You may wish to explore this Web site and review information related to heart failure classification.
o Montalvo, I. (2007). The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI). OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 12(3).
o Burchum, J., & Rosenthal, L. (2016). Lehen’s pharmacology for nursing care (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.
 Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 43, 47, 48, 21, 23, 31, 32, 50, 57, 58, and 76.

• Assessment Instructions
Imagine your supervisor has asked you to conduct a lunch and learn session to educate your fellow nursing staff on pharmacological interventions for the treatment of Type II Diabetes Mellitus.
Create a PowerPoint presentation you could use in your lunch and learn session, including the following:
o Identify the disease or health condition, along with the areas where nurses are likely to see it. (Do this in the agenda slide or next slide after the agenda.)
o Identify the three drugs used most often in the treatment of the disease or health condition.
o Explain the types of actions, side effects, indications, and contraindications that could be expected from the pharmacological treatment.
o Describe the treatment regime most often prescribed for the disease or health condition. This should include pharmacology but not be limited to pharmacology.
o Explain how the treatment regime (including pharmacology) may impact a client’s lifestyle. Consider things such as finances, ease or complexity of administration, instructions (frequency, duration), et cetera.
o Describe how a nurse should monitor a client being treated for the disease or health condition in order to obtain a quality patient outcome.
o Explain any controversies associated with the drugs used in the treatment. For example, is there a black box warning with any of the drugs?
Use the notes section of each slide to expand your points or draft your mock oral presentation (or both) and reference your resources. Use at least 3 peer-reviewed or professional resources to support your work in this assessment. Be sure your PowerPoint includes a title slide, a slide with your agenda or list of topics to be covered, and a reference slide. Follow current APA style and formatting guidelines for your citations and references.
Additional Requirements
o Number of slides: 10–12, not including the title and reference slides.
o Be creative. Consider your intended audience.

create a topic . also Turabian style please 1 inch

create a topic . also Turabian style please 1 inch


Type of service:
Research Paper

Double spacing

Paper format:
Chicago / Turabian

Number of pages:
4 pages

Number of sources:
10 sources

Paper details:

need an abstract, running head, number pages at least

You can apply for an or