Human and Machine Interaction

Human and Machine Interaction

Undergraduate (3rd and 4th year)

7 pages

Discipline:            – Movies

Type of service:                Research Paper

Paper format:    MLA

Number of sources:        2 sources

Paper details:

In this essay, you will offer an analysis of any one of the written or video texts assigned for the semester that makes effective use of a secondary critical article about your chosen primary text. Your analysis will focus on helping your reader better understand of one of the texts you have chosen by “reading it through the lens” of the other text.

-the texts in question are “artificial intelligence”-a 2001 film- and “the problem of human machine communication”- article by lucy suchman

-link to text:

-film text can be easily found on any site


Strategic Audit of Walgreens Boots Alliance

Strategic Audit of Walgreens Boots Alliance

Undergraduate (3rd and 4th year)

27 pages

Discipline:            Business

Type of service:                Other

Paper format:    APA

Number of sources:        10 sources

Paper details:

First of all. I need to send a Voice memo with clear and detailed requirements for this project please tell me if i could do that by email ASAP. it is VERY important and will help answer questions if needed. Also, this assignment is extremely important and is 40% of my grade for it is the final of this course. I provided a word doc. with the written requirements of this course in addition to the Voice Memo i will send by email.

If you listen to the Voice memo the professor wants us to criticize the vision, mission and values. As well as, the top management and board of directors, the voice memo will explain what she means by criticism exactly. When it comes to choosing a strategy, you will need to suggest 3 strategies that are in the chapters attached below and indicated in the green notes i added to the document. After that you will need to choose the most suitable one of those two strategies and provide a rational that justifies your decision. As I mentioned before, everything is clearly described in the voice memo.

Assignment: Health Information Patient Handout

Assignment: Health Information Patient Handout

Category (Subject Area):        Nursing

Assigned Writer:         0

Pages (Word Count):  6 Pages (1650 Words)

Number of Sources:

Referencing style:       APA

Order details

please I will upload my research assignment paper and assignment sample paper from our instructor.

please follow the instructor sample paper to write  mine. she want us to follow that pattern but different  health issues beause this is another student paper.

please when citing authors, cite the page number you quote from if possible.

NURS-6051N-32, Transforming Nursing & HC.2017 Winter Qtr. 11/27-02/18-PT27

Week 11 Assignment

The final assignment is two parts: a short paper (in APA format) about your health issue and then a teaching handout about the health information you have selected. I have added the assignment below for you. I also posted an example in the document sharing folder. The most common question I get is: “How long should my paper be”?  My answer is always: As long as it takes to fully explain the components of your health information topic.   Also remember: the focus is locating reputable health information please ensure you address this. Please don’t short change the paper.  Lastly, do not use any of the material located in this example as it has been through the similarity checker.


Application: Health Information Patient Handout

One of the pivotal goals of consumer health literacy efforts is to design educational materials that attract as well as educate users. In this Assignment, you design a health information document on a topic that is of interest to you.

To prepare:

Select a health issue of interest to you.

Identify the audience or population that you seek to educate about this issue.

Search the Internet to find credible sites containing information about your selected topic.

Review the two health literacy websites listed in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on strategies for presenting information.

To complete:

Design an educational handout on the health issue you selected.

Include a cover page.

Include an introduction that provides:

An explanation of your issue and why you selected it

A description of the audience you are addressing

In the handout itself:

Develop your handout in such a way that it attracts the attention of the intended audience.

Include a description of the health issue and additional content that will enhance your message (i.e., key terms and definitions, graphics, illustrations, etc.).

Recommend four or five sites that provide clear, valuable, and reliable information on the topic.

Note: Remember to keep the information in your health handout and its design at the appropriate level for the audience you are seeking to inform. Submit your Assignment as a Word document.

Lack of Appropriate Supplies or Equipment in Nursing


Lack of Appropriate Supplies or Equipment in Nursing

Type of document           Essay     5 Pages  Subject area       Healthcare        Academic Level Undergraduate

Style      APA       references          6

Be sure to

  • Clearly describe the issue
  • Connect the issue to the Joint Commission National quality/safety gaols
  • Include specific clinical examples/ stories that illustrate the issue
  • Review the literature and incorporate published positions/ viewpoints
  • Include the viewpoints of the ANA, NLN, Joint Commission.
  • Develop a plan to manage this problem. Be specific- who needs to be involved (administration; government; nurses; patients).
  • Describe how this will impact your nursing practice. 

Assignment # 4 Grading Rubric for Nursing practice paper

Clearly identify the problem giving definition(s), a brief history/background or any information that is relevant to it. Identify if it is a National quality/ safety goal 25%
Present nurses’ stories (examples) that illustrate how the selected problem affects the individual nurse(s) and nursing care.  Present positions or viewpoints, on the problem, that are documented in the nursing literature.  Include the positions of professional nursing organizations, if available, regarding this problem 25%
Develop a plan to manage this problem. Be specific- who needs to be involved (administration; government; nurses; professional organizations).

Describe how this will impact your nursing practice.

TOTAL 100%

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Type of document           Essay     1 Page Subject area        Psychology         Academic Level Undergraduate

Style      APA       references          2

Order description:


Read pages 492–497 in Chapter 15 of Psychology.

View 4.7 Resource: Mental Disorders: Causes, Nature, and Treatment.

View the Key Components of Psychoanalytic, Humanistic, Behavior, and Cognitive Therapies media.

View the Recent Trends in Treatment video.

Write a one- to two-page script of a conversation between a cognitive behavioral therapist and a client. Assume the client has presented signs of depression resulting from a failed marriage.


Assignment – Assessing and Treating Clients With Dementia

Assignment – Assessing and Treating Clients With Dementia

Type of document Case Study   6 Pages  Subject area       Nursing              Academic Level Master

Style      APA       references          5

Assignment: Assessing and Treating Clients With Dementia

The Alzheimer’s Association defines dementia as “a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life” (Alzheimer’s Association, 2016). This term encompasses dozens of cognitive disorders of impaired memory formation, recall, and communication. The care and treatment of clients with dementia is dependent on multiple factors, including the stage of dementia, comorbidities, family support, and even the care setting. In your role, as the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, you must be prepared to not only treat clients with these various cognitive disorders, but also the multiple behavioral issues that often accompany them. For this Assignment, as you examine the client case study in this week’s Learning Resources, consider how you might assess and treat clients presenting with dementia.

Reference: Alzheimer’s Association. (2016). What is dementia? Retrieved from


Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Assess client factors and history to develop personalized therapy plans for clients with dementia
  • Analyze factors that influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in clients requiring therapy for dementia
  • Evaluate efficacy of treatment plans
  • Analyze ethical and legal implications related to prescribing therapy for clients with dementia



The Assignment

Examine Case Study: An Elderly Iranian Man With Alzheimer’s Disease. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this client. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the client’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.


  • At each decision point stop to complete the following:

Decision #1

  • Which decision did you select?
  • Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
  • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
  • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #1 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?
  • Decision #2
    • Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
    • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
    • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #2 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?
  • Decision #3
    • Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
    • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
    • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #3 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?
  • Also include how ethical considerations might impact your treatment plan and communication with clients.






Alzheimer’s Disease
76-year-old Iranian Male



Mr. Akkad is a 76 year old Iranian male who is brought to your office by his eldest son for “strange behavior.” Mr. Akkad was seen by his family physician who ruled out any organic basis for Mr. Akkad’s behavior. All laboratory and diagnostic imaging tests (including CT-scan of the head) were normal.

According to his son, he has been demonstrating some strange thoughts and behaviors for the past two years, but things seem to be getting worse. Per the client’s son, the family noticed that Mr. Akkad’s personality began to change a few years ago. He began to lose interest in religious activities with the family and became more “critical” of everyone. They also noticed that things he used to take seriously had become a source of “amusement” and “ridicule.”

Over the course of the past two years, the family has noticed that Mr. Akkad has been forgetting things. His son also reports that sometimes he has difficult “finding the right words” in a conversation and then will shift to an entirely different line of conversation.



During the clinical interview, Mr. Akkad is pleasant, cooperative and seems to enjoy speaking with you. You notice some confabulation during various aspects of memory testing, so the PMHNP performs a Mini-Mental State Exam. Mr. Akkad scores 18 out of 30 with primary deficits in orientation, registration, attention & calculation, and recall. The score suggests moderate dementia.



Mr. Akkad is 76 year old Iranian male who is cooperative with today’s clinical interview. His eye contact is poor. Speech is clear, coherent, but tangential at times. He makes no unusual motor movements and demonstrates no tic. Self-reported mood is euthymic. Affect however is restricted. He denies visual or auditory hallucinations. No delusional or paranoid thought processes noted. He is alert and oriented to person, partially oriented to place, but is disoriented to time and event [he reports that he thought he was coming to lunch but “wound up here”- referring to your office, at which point he begins to laugh]. Insight and judgment are impaired. Impulse control is also impaired as evidenced by Mr. Akkad’s standing up during the clinical interview and walking towards the door. When the PMHNP asked where he was going, he stated that he did not know. Mr. Akkad denies suicidal or homicidal ideation.

Diagnosis: Major neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease (presumptive)



  • Folstein, M. F., Folstein, S. E., & McHugh, P. R. (2002). Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Lutz, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.



Decision Point One

: Begin Aricept (donepezil) 5 mg orally at BEDTIME


  • Client returns to clinic in four weeks
  • The client is accompanied by his son who reports that his father is “no better” from this medication
  • He reports that his father is still disinterested in attending religious services/activities, and continues to exhibit disinhibited behaviors
  • You continue to note confabulation and decide to administer the MMSE again. Mr. Akkad again scores 18 out of 30 with primary deficits in orientation, registration, attention & calculation, and recall


Decision Point Two

Increase Aricept to 10 mg orally at BEDTIME



– Client returns to clinic in four weeks

-Client’s son reports that the client is tolerating the medication well, but is still concerned that his father is no better

– He states that his father is attending religious services with the family, which the son and the rest of the family is happy about. He reports that his father is still easily amused by things he once found serious


Decision Point Three

Continue Aricept 10 mg orally at BEDTIME


Guidance to Student

At this point, it would be prudent for the PMHNP to continue Aricept at 10 mg orally at bedtime. Recall that this medication can take several months before stabilization of deterioration is noted. At this point, the client is attending religious services with the family, which has made the family happy. Disinhibition may improve in a few weeks, or it may not improve at all. This is a counseling point that the PMHNP should review with the son.

There is no evidence that Aricept given at doses greater than 10 mg per day has any therapeutic benefit. It can, however, cause side effects. Increasing to 15 and 20 mg per day would not be appropriate.

There is nothing in the clinical presentation to suggest that the Aricept should be discontinued. Whereas it may be appropriate to add Namenda to the current drug profile, there is no need to discontinue Aricept. In fact, NMDA receptor antagonist therapy is often used with cholinesterase inhibitors in combination therapy to treat Alzheimer’s disease. The key to using both medications is slow titration upward toward therapeutic doses to minimize negative side effects.

Finally, it is important to note that changes in the MMSE should be evaluated over the course of months, not weeks. The absence of change in the MMSE after 4 weeks of treatment should not be a source of concern.

Biblical Leadership Theme Report

Biblical Leadership Theme Report


7 pages

Discipline:            Religion

Type of service:                Essay

Spacing:               Double spacing

Paper format:    Chicago / Turabian

Number of sources:        0 source

Paper details:

A 7-page report pertaining to the major leadership themes stemming from the Forrest/Roden textbook reading assignments. Each paper must contain a title page, 1-page introduction, 5-page summary analyses of major leadership themes, and a 1-page conclusion and bibliography/reference page. After reading through the 19 chapters of the Old Testament provide a concise summary of 3 to 5 major themes. Summarize each theme but more importantly, provide the reason why each theme is especially important to you or to our generation in regards to practicing Godly leadership no matter the context of one’s vocation or location.

Assignment: Health Information Patient Handout

Assignment: Health Information Patient Handout

Category (Subject Area):        Nursing

Assigned Writer:         0

Pages (Word Count):  6 Pages (1650 Words)

Number of Sources:

Referencing style:       APA

Order details

please I will upload my research assignment paper and assignment sample paper from our instructor.

please follow the instructor sample paper to write  mine. she want us to follow that pattern but different  health issues beause this is another student paper.

please when citing authors, cite the page number you quote from if possible.

NURS-6051N-32, Transforming Nursing & HC.2017 Winter Qtr. 11/27-02/18-PT27

Week 11 Assignment

The final assignment is two parts: a short paper (in APA format) about your health issue and then a teaching handout about the health information you have selected. I have added the assignment below for you. I also posted an example in the document sharing folder. The most common question I get is: “How long should my paper be”?  My answer is always: As long as it takes to fully explain the components of your health information topic.   Also remember: the focus is locating reputable health information please ensure you address this. Please don’t short change the paper.  Lastly, do not use any of the material located in this example as it has been through the similarity checker.


Application: Health Information Patient Handout

One of the pivotal goals of consumer health literacy efforts is to design educational materials that attract as well as educate users. In this Assignment, you design a health information document on a topic that is of interest to you.

To prepare:

Select a health issue of interest to you.

Identify the audience or population that you seek to educate about this issue.

Search the Internet to find credible sites containing information about your selected topic.

Review the two health literacy websites listed in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on strategies for presenting information.

To complete:

Design an educational handout on the health issue you selected.

Include a cover page.

Include an introduction that provides:

An explanation of your issue and why you selected it

A description of the audience you are addressing

In the handout itself:

Develop your handout in such a way that it attracts the attention of the intended audience.

Include a description of the health issue and additional content that will enhance your message (i.e., key terms and definitions, graphics, illustrations, etc.).

Recommend four or five sites that provide clear, valuable, and reliable information on the topic.

Note: Remember to keep the information in your health handout and its design at the appropriate level for the audience you are seeking to inform. Submit your Assignment as a Word document.

Assessing Conflict Capability

Assessing Conflict Capability

Write a 275 word response to the following case study questions.

Q1. Based on your educated guess for each employee, what would you say is his or her conflict capability? Is the employee an opportunistic, rules, self-aware, or goal-level individual?

Q2. What are the potential conflicts you might anticipate in More Power’s work environment? Think in terms of paired relationships (e.g., Joe and Jim, Joe and Tina, Sally and Fred, Fred and Anton, Joe and Kim). Based on how you scored and identified the individuals involved in each paired relationship, what will be the best approach to addressing the potential conflict, given the conflict capability of each individual? Discuss as many paired relationships as possible.

Course material: Conflict Survival Kit Tools for Resolving Conflict at Work 2nd Edition, by Daniel B. Griffith and Cliff Goodwin, pg. 140

Marine Policy Project

Marine Policy Project

Undergraduate (3rd and 4th year)

3 pages

Discipline:        – Geology

Type of service:           Research Paper

Paper format:   APA

Number of sources:     4 sources

Paper details:

The research paper should be typed, 12- point font, not longer than 4 pages + references, double-spaced, with at least one inch margins, and will be submitted electronically. Proper citing of references using scientific citing formats is critical

thesis to the impact of plastic pollution on Sea birds impacted.

Be sure to include solutions (beyond banning plastic bags and plastic straws) in your research.

Use primary sources and the correct procedure for citing sources in a scientific paper (see the assignment for clarification.)

Research and produce a concisely written 3- 4-page paper on your chosen issue. The research paper should include at least four primary scientific sources that are properly cited using scientific citing formats (APA), for both the text and bibliography.