How much does a custom paper or essay cost?

Custom essays, dissertations, thesis papers, term papers, proposals and book reports from mystudenthelp.com are:
Our standard page comprises of 275 words double-spaced one-inch margins Times New Roman twelve point. The cost is calculated automatically by our system.

Who is the writer of my paper?
To provide high-quality papers we hire the most qualified freelance writers and editors from recognized institutions. All our writers possess corporeal knowledge and skills in specific fields of custom writing, thus they are able to produce top-quality papers within stipulated deadlines.

Are you American custom writing service?
Our head office is in U S thus subordinated to American law and protected by laws and regulations of the country. However, the majority of mystudenthelp.com writers are not from the US. We hire the most qualified freelance writers and our papers are checked by American university teachers for purposes of maintaining the best quality service.

How do I know can you write my research paper?
We write papers on all topics. To be sure, first, contact us before you place your order.

Do you have any discount policies?
Yes. Refer to our Discount Program.

Do you meet deadlines?
We pledge meeting deadlines. Moreover, we endeavor to complete papers as a matter of priority.

How many pages can I purchase?
We have no limit on the number of pages.

Can I request specific resources for my essay?
Absolutely! You can specify the sources for custom written essays. Simply give us resources that you want us to use in our order form. However, mystudenthelp.com cooperates with many libraries. Therefore, you may find it beneficial to rely on our resources.

What if I want to know the status of my paper being written?
We are always eager to answer your questions. Simply e-mail us your question and transaction number and we will inform you right away. Our chat is open 24/7

What happens if I ordered a custom paper and I do not like what I received?
Customer satisfaction is our primary goal therefore high quality is something you can always expect when you buy an essay or term paper from mystudenthelp.com. However, if we do not meet your instructions, your paper will be revised free-of-charge.

What is the format of your papers?
We can deliver essays or term papers in any requested format.

What style do you use for writing my paper?
We can use any style that you prefer. Please don’t forget to specify the style on your order form.

What are the standards for your page?
All papers at mystudenthelp.com have 275 per page using Twelve point Times New Roman font.

How I receive my custom essay?
All our final submissions are delivered to the e-mail address endowed with us at the order form.

Can I purchase more than one paper at a time?

Can I get a refund if I don’t like my paper?
No. We never authorize the cancellation of orders since papers may be reproduced. However, we offer FREE revisions to gratify our customers’ expectations.

Which credit cards does mystudenthelp.com accept?
Our authorized retailer, PayPal, acknowledges Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Dinners, JCB as well as debit cards with the Visa and MasterCard logo.

Is it safe to purchase from mystudenthelp.com?
Yes. PayPal is an authorized retailer trusted by mystudenthelp.com

How can I order a custom essay, research paper or book report?
Ordering is simple, convenient and involves a few steps.
Step1. Specify all important details including paper instructions, delivery date, paper format and etc on the Order page and make sure the instructions are correct and final.
Step2. Press “PROCEED” button which directs you to PayPal secure page and then specifies credit card information.
Step3. Receive authentic paper that corresponds to your order specifications.