In this individual assignment, you are a consultant hired by a commercial tourism enterprise to identify the main external factors that will help it to achieve TBL or
˜triple bottom line’ (economic, environmental & socio-cultural) sustainability outcomes, or hinder it from achieving those outcomes. Economic sustainability includes
financial sustainability or profitability. You will do this by preparing a professional report of no less than 2500 words and no more than 3000 words that analyses the
opportunities and threats faced by the company in relation to these outcomes. Opportunities and threats refer to any factors situated outside the enterprise itself.
The same factor can be both an opportunity and a threat.
Begin the report with a title page (title, author, course name and code). The format for subsequent sections will be as follows:
1. Enterprise Profile: Select and describe an Australian tourism or hospitality enterprise. This must be a real enterprise directly related to tourism, such as an
attraction, accommodation, travel agency, tour operator or airline. It must be located within Australia. In this profile, basic characteristics should include, among
other possibilities, a description of the kind of business conducted, location, ownership, number of years in operation, employee numbers, and annual revenue. A
limited number of photographs can be used in this section to support the text. Your profile should inform your opportunities and threats; for example, if you identify
the Chinese outbound market as an opportunity, then your Profile should include information about the current Chinese customer base of your enterprise.
Length: no more than 500 words
2. Opportunities: Identify what you determine to be the three most critical external opportunities that will help the enterprise to achieve TBL outcomes. For each, (a)
describe the opportunity, (b) explain why it is a major opportunity for this specific enterprise, and (c) prescribe a solution; that is, how can the enterprise take
advantage of it?
Length: no more than 1000 words
3. Threats: Identify what you determine to be the three most critical external threats that will hinder the enterprise from achieving TBL outcomes. For each, (a)
describe the threat, (b) explain why it is a major threat to this specific enterprise, and (c) prescribe a solution; that is, how can the enterprise minimise its
negative effects?
Length: no more than 1000 words
4. Synopsis: This section summarises the report by integrating the previous content into a conclusion that overviews the opportunities and threats facing the
enterprise and considers how the enterprise should deal with these collectively to achieve desired TBL outcomes.
Length: no more than 500 words
5. References: All information should be properly cited and referenced using APA style. All sources should be reputable and relevant, and at least five ˜academic’
sources (e.g. journal articles, book chapters, etc.) must be included. This section is not included in the word length.
“ Assignments must be submitted online (Turnitin)
Criteria & Marking:
The assignment will be marked according to the following criteria:
Presentation: How good is the English language expression of the report? Does the report have a professional appearance? (20%)
Profile: How well, within the 500-word limit, do you describe the critical characteristics of the featured enterprise that put into perspective your identified threats
and opportunities? (10%)
Opportunities: Within the 1000-word limit, do you effectively describe the three opportunities, explain why they are opportunities for this enterprise, and explain how
the enterprise can best take advantage of them? (20%)
Threats: Within the 1000-word limit, do you effectively describe the three threats, explain why they are threats to this enterprise, and explain how the enterprise can
best minimise these threats? (20%)
Synopsis: How well, within the 500-word limit, do you summarise the report by integrating the previous content into a conclusion that overviews the opportunities and
threats facing the enterprise and consider how the enterprise should deal with these collectively to attain the desired outcomes? (10%)
Sources: Is all information appropriately cited and referenced using APA style? Are the sources relevant and reputable? Have you included at least five ˜academic’
sources? (20%)