Assignment 3: The Geography of Europe (25 points)
Write the physical and human geographic account of the European region that demonstrates its distinctiveness from other world regions.
Discuss the following in your paper:
Major demographic, political, economic, cultural, and physical/environmental trends and contemporary issues confronting Europe, and
Spatial or geographic variations in physical and human geography within the region (meaning intraregional differences between the 4 subregions: Western Europe, Northern Europe, Mediterranean Europe, and East Central Europe)
You may want to consider the following physical and human characteristics to discuss the physical and human geography of the European region:
Physical Geography
Landscapes, natural vegetation, resources, ecological regions
Climate, precipitation, temperature
Physical barriers at the region boundaries like oceans, seas, mountains, deserts, rain forests, rivers etc.
environmental challenges or issues
Cultural and Political Geography
Religion, language, ethnicity, politics, other¦
Economic Geography
Level of development (based on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) GNP per capita, Human Development Index (HDI)
Major economic sectors (agriculture, forestry, mining, manufacturing, services, and so on)
Percentage of labor force in primary, secondary, tertiary economic activities
Population and Urban Geography
Population growth rate (natural increase rate): birth rates, death rates
Age-sex structure of the population
Population distribution
Stages in the demographic transition
urbanization (% urban)
rate of urban growth
Urban problems
Historical Geography
Historical legacy of the region (pre-colonial history, Colonial experiences, independence, post-independence)
Culture hearths or civilizations
Important Instructions:
Your essay should be based on material covered in chapter 3 of the textbook about Europe and the PowerPoint slides posted in the course™s website.
Write your paper in a neat and organized manner.
Your paper should address all issues in the assignment in a summarized manner and be more than 600 words (or minimum 3 pages, double spaced, using standard margins and fonts).
Cite your references appropriately