•Describe and evaluate common errors made in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of psychological tests.
•Identify APA ethical principles that are directly related to the administration, scoring, and interpretation of psychological tests and provide examples of instance where these would apply. Begin with Section 9 of the APA code of conduct.
•Identify APA principles that are indirectly related to psychological assessment, such as those addressing competency, avoidance of harm, and informed consent. Evaluate how they are related to psychological assessment.
•Outline the steps you can take to minimize testing errors so you do not violate APA principles related to the administration, scoring, and interpretation of psychological tests.
•Describe and evaluate common errors made in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of psychological tests.
•Identify APA ethical principles that are directly related to the administration, scoring, and interpretation of psychological tests and provide examples of instance where these would apply. Begin with Section 9 of the APA code of conduct.
•Identify APA principles that are indirectly related to psychological assessment, such as those addressing competency, avoidance of harm, and informed consent. Evaluate how they are related to psychological assessment.
•Outline the steps you can take to minimize testing errors so you do not violate APA principles related to the administration, scoring, and interpretation of psychological tests.
•Analyze how test norms and standardization can become sources of test bias. Explain how bias associated with normative procedures and standardization can impact the validity of results for an individual. Also address additional sources of test bias (such as administration, scoring, interpretation, test content, and differential validity).
•Analyze how these sources of bias can impact the validity of results for an individual.
•Identify and explain the APA principles that address test bias and fairness.
•Outline the steps you can take to minimize violation of APA ethical principles related to test bias and fairness.
•Describe the role of technology in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of psychological tests.
•Evaluate the strengths and limitations of technologies used in psychological testing.
•Surface potential ethical issues in the use of technology in psychological testing.
•Explain the APA principles related to the use of technology in psychological testing.
•Outline the steps you can take to minimize violations of APA ethical principles related to technology in psychological testing.
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