Technology affects people negatively

Main argument : Technology affects people negatively

For this assignment you will make an argument based on the material I have gathered (interview from expert + literature research ) about the topic. (additional research isn’t required. However, is ok to includes other sources in the paper if it makes the argument stronger)

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Choose a main theme or thesis that you want as the core and several points that you would like to make about the topic based on everything you have read in the 2 papers (interview from expert + literature research ) . Include only the most interesting, informative, and convincing material.

For this assignment, you will need to take a position on an issue within the topic area and argue for it. That is, you will need to provide evidence to convince your readers of the correctness of your position. Your argumentative essay should be 5 paragraphs and includes:

an introduction in which you orient your readers to your topic, state your position, and preview the rest of your paper

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a body in which you provide support for your position (you should be using at least three sources in addition to interview)

counterarguments (Technology affects people positively in some way. ex: make outré life easier¦ )

a conclusion in which you briefly summarize your argument and suggest what you think needs to be done to improve the current situation

a reference page which lists the sources of information you have used in your paper.(APA)

Information that need to be include :
-Importance of topic
-Experience related to the topic
-What published materials mention
-What an expert mentions

Decide how to organize your information:
-What supporting details you would use
-In what order you would use them
-Where you would cite

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