Study B: Maximizing and Satisficing Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

The maximum length for the main text of the research report (Introduction + Method + Results + Discussion) is 3000 words. The word count includes headings and sub-headings and the titles for figures and tables. Avoid using footnotes, and note that footnotes are included in the word count. The contents of figures and tables are NOT included in this word count. (Tables and figures, if included, should be placed at an appropriate place within the main text of the report; and not at the end of the report as is sometimes seen in ‘draft’ work). The maximum length for the Abstract is 150 words. The Title Page and the References section are NOT included in the word count. All word-counts above are strict maxima; there will be a progressive penalty for assignments that exceed these word-counts. There is no minimum number of words for this assignment. Produce your research report as a Word document. Use 1.5 line spacing (or more if you prefer) throughout your report; though single-spacing may be used for tables, and for the titles of tables or figures, if preferred.

