see attachment file for what you have to write.
This is very important essay.
you must watch the movie and write be specific with details.
do not need references. just used your own words to write, no citation please.
Essay format!!!!.
A full script analysis including premise, character(main and secondary, etc) and structure.
(1.) key analysis is for you write premise out of the film. So your very first task is to write who is the main character and what’s the premise. once you identify premise, I want you to talk about (2)character population which basically means who is main character, who is helping the main character, who is the standing in the way of main character and in a way you want to think of the helper as being representing one of two options the premise and those oppositing as representing the other option in the premise. (3)structure- be specific. Three act.
Act 1 -critical moment, catalyst event, and 1st act turning point.
Act 2- midpoint, second act turning point
Act 3 – how to reach resolution
Also,(4) identify if there is a plot in the film, I want you to identify the plot.
(5)what is character layer
character layer is the exportation of two relationships. two relationships that are opposite that fresh out or emotionalize the story.
(6) what is genre of this film
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