Sampling Academic Essay – Write My School Essay


1. The following are four common situation scenarios involve selecting a sample and understanding how the sample relates to the population.

a.A friend interviews every 10th shopper who passed by her as she stands outside one entrance of a major department store in a shopping all. What type of sample is she selecting? How do you think she defined her population from which she is selecting the sample?

b.A political polling firm samples at random 50 potential voters from a list of registered voters in each county in a state to interview for an upcoming election. What type of sample is this? Do you have enough information to tell?

c.Another political polling firm in the same state selects potential votes from the same list of registered voters with a very different method. First, they alphabetize the list of last names, then pick the first 20 names that begin with an A, the first 20 that begin with a B, and so on until Z (the sample size is thus 20X26, or 520). Is this a probability sample?

d.A researcher wants to determine which restaurant around campus is most popular among OU students. He constructs a sample frame of all current OU students, and then selects 100 names from that list at random in a way that gives each student at OU an equal chance of being selected. What kind of sampling strategy is this?

e.The researcher decides to do a similar study, but changes the sampling strategy. Instead, the researcher subdivides the sampling frame by gender so that the 100 names drawn at random will exactly match the male/female ratio of the larger OU population.

Dr. Smith wants to know whether family status influences worker satisfaction among female employees at a large hospital. That is to say, do female employees with children differ from those without children with regard to their degree of satisfaction. To study this issue, Dr. Smith contacts the HR department of the hospital to get a list of all female employees arranged by hospital department. She randomly selects a starting point from the first 20 names on the list, then selects every 20th woman thereafter.  What kind of sampling strategy is this?

2.      A population mean of 24.21 and a standard deviation of 4. Assume the sampling distribution of sample means has been constructed. Based on repeated samples of n=100 from this population

a.       what would the value of the mean of the sampling distribution?

b.      What would be the value of the standard error of the mean?


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