



The first essay is an expository as well as explanatory in style. The writer brings out the story without having to give any form of argument or critic in the process. It has an introductory paragraph which states what is expected to the reader. The paragraph that is subsequent then supports the topic. All sentences that are contained in the paragraph have a direct relationship with the topic at hand and they have proper sequencing to ensure that there is a smooth transition from one topic to the other that follows. The paragraph that concludes the story also brings out the position of the story in manner that is meaningful. The essay employs the use of accurate and precise words. The essay brings the essay in an appropriate and effective manner that avoids the introduction of new and foreign issues in the process of writing.
It also has a descriptive style .The essay tells the story in a manner that gives insight to the audience in an interesting manner. The essay describes the people, environment, surroundings in a vivid manner which makes the reader feel like they are in that actual situation. The essay has a short introduction as well as descriptions that are to the point and enable the reader understand what information is being portrayed. The reader portrays the story in a manner that brings out the plot, settings and characters in an interesting manner. The narration is made in the voice of the writer hence it does not sound like reading a textbook. The writer brings out a description that enables the reader to see, hear feel, taste and even smell the situation.
The reader is therefore able to visualize everything that happens in their own mind. This makes the story to appear more real and clearer. The information is also brought out in a manner that makes the reader to be able to grasp and empathize with. The writer avoids the use of abstract words since it may make it hard for the reader to understand the message that is being conveyed.
It is also analytical in nature. The essay also has an illustrative style. It uses relevant examples that explain a certain point that is being communicated to the reader. It uses a good number of specific and detailed examples that get the important point across. The examples are well chosen to ensure that appeal to the readers so that they could help them understand the point that is being communicated. The essay consists of comprehensive and brief examples which may occur in a frequent manner within the essay. It also has details that are concise and bring out clear ideas. The essay employs the use of relevant ideas and it uses representative examples throughout the essay are quite representative. It uses texts that are demonstrative that help to comprehend the understanding of the main topic. It has the potential to grant exactness to the topic. It has the ability to bring a transformation of the conceptual thoughts into some nature existence. The essay brings about a diverse pattern that comprehends to the point that is expected to be communicated.
The second essay is of an argumentative nature which incorporates aspects that are defining, evaluative, and interpretive. The essay gives information that present a specific argument. This is also followed by supporting ideas as well as opposing ideas. The essay tends to persuade the people to change the idea that they had about a specific situation. The topic has been narrowed down so as to bring out the message to the reader. The ideas are also well arranged in a sequential manner that ensures that the facts are well conveyed. It contains counter arguments as well as refutation methods. The ideas are also well supported with statics and relevant authorities so as to make the reader to believe the message that are being passed across.
The essay is also definitive nature. It defines boundaries and philosophical position. It brings out the name of the item that is in discussion and distinguishes them from the other categories. It also uses words that enable the proper distinction of one word from another hence bringing about the aspect of clarity. Relevance of the words that are used is portrayed through some proper form of communication.
The essay is also evaluative in nature since it brings out a view point that is supported by relevant arguments. The essay is also analyzed to bring out a clearer point of view. It has transition sentences which are quite important for that particular argument. The essay is also interpretive in nature. The introduction captures the attention of the reader since it has a thesis statement that is quite clear and contains some form of literary information. The body of the essay gives much support to the thesis statement by providing facts, summaries and examples which provide appropriate. It has commentary aspects such as opinions, analysis, insight and interpretation.

Roth, J & McClain M.Schaum’s Quick Guide to Writing Great Essays’ USA; McGraw-Hill, 1998.
McCann, T , Kahn, E, & Johannessen, L. Teaching Students to Write Essays That Define (The Dynamics of Writing Instruction), USA, Heinemann, 2011.
McLean, M. Homework Helpers: Essays & Term Papers, USA< Career Press, 2011.