Request for Action Memo Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

You are the president of your community’s homeowners association (HOA). It has come to your attention that many homeowners are leaving their recycling and trash bins scattered around the neighborhood. This not only creates an untidy neighborhood, but has also created some driving hazards as well. According to the HOA bylaws, homeowners must put away their recycling and trash bins the same day the county has collected the recycling and trash, respectively. Your memo should request that each homeowner remove his/her recycling and trash bins by no later than 11 p.m. on trash day.
For the purpose of this exercise, you can select what day the recycling and trash are picked up. Given your audience, select the appropriate tone. Determine if the indirect or the direct method should be used in this instance. Gather your information and prepare your memo. Format your memo appropriately. In a separate page within your document, please explain why the method you chose is the best




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