Rationality in Food Decision Making – Insights from Behavioral Economics

Rationality in Food Decision Making – Insights from Behavioral Economics

First of all, thank you in advance for a great service. This will save me a lot of time and stress, and I hope to find someone who has some degree of interest in the topic.<br />
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So far these are the guidelines: <br />
A 17 page APA-style paper on the topic named in the title. <br />
– The references listed below should be used as main sources. But your paper should be <br />
based on other journal articles (e.g. Journal of Consumer Research, Appetite, Food Quality and <br />
Preference, Journal of Marketing etc.), books and reports. <br />
<br />
Check your paper for the following aspects: <br />
– Does it have its own structure (don’t copy the chapter’s structure)? <br />
– Do I relate my topic to a relevant context (why is my topic important against the background of <br />
Food Economics? / Why is my topic relevant?) <br />
– Do I have theoretical foundation? <br />
– Are there any critical parts that other authors mention or that I can identify? Can I identify areas of <br />
future research / trends? <br />
<br />
Guidelines for the format of the paper: <br />
– Length: 14 pages <br />
– Layout: Times New Roman 12 font size, blocked, 1.5 line spacing <br />
– Write a ½ page abstract at the beginning of your paper <br />
– Citations: Be consistent! <br />
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Main sources to base the paper on: <br />
Just, D.R.: Behavioral Economics and the Food Consumer. Pp.99-118. Additional Source: <br />
Wansink, B. (2010). Mindless Eating. Why we eat more than we think. New York: Bantam Books. <br />
AND http://mindlesseating.org/<br />
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I will be very thankful for a motivated author. I am trying to spend as little time as possible on my studies, working on my own things instead and WILL submit follow-up projects in the areas of entrepreneurship/consumer affairs. Therefore, rather than a one-time help I’m looking for someone reliable, who I can work with for as many follow-on projects as my studies allow.