Pre-Mapping Data Collection Needs

Customer Data:_x000D_
• Who is the customer?_x000D_
• What is the actual customer demand? (Quantity of orders received or amount required by the customer)._x000D_
– As a product family or by individual product model_x000D_
– By the day, week, month, quarter, or year_x000D_
• If there is more than one product, what is the mix?_x000D_
• How often does the customer order?_x000D_
• Does the customer provide a forecast?_x000D_
• How often do you deliver to the customer?_x000D_
• What is the customer delivery window?_x000D_
Supplier data:_x000D_
• Who is the supplier?_x000D_
• How often do you order?_x000D_
• Do you provide a forecast?_x000D_
• How often does the supplier deliver?_x000D_
Value Stream Work Data:_x000D_
• How many shifts are worked within the value stream?_x000D_
• What hours are these shifts?_x000D_
• How many breaks and for how long?_x000D_
• Do automated processes stop during breaks?_x000D_
• Do manual processes stop during breaks?_x000D_
• Are there any pre- or post-shift meetings and for how long?_x000D_
• Is there clean-up time scheduled during the shift and for how long?_x000D_
• Is lunch paid or unpaid?_x000D_
• How long is the lunch break?_x000D_
• Do automated processes stop during lunch?_x000D_
• Do manual processes stop during lunch?_x000D_
Value Stream Control Data:_x000D_
• Who, or what, controls production?_x000D_
• Is this control point a single person or department?_x000D_
• Is this control point a group effort from different departments?_x000D_
• Are you using an automated system to control production?_x000D_
• Is the automated system an MRP or ERP system?_x000D_
• Is the automated system comprised of spreadsheet files/reports?_x000D_
• What hours is this control point operating?_x000D_
Future State Questions:_x000D_
• What should be the Takt time (available time / customer demand)?_x000D_
• What does the customer really need?_x000D_
• How often will we check our performance to customer needs?_x000D_
• How can we improve the flow, with fewer interruptions?_x000D_
• How do we control work between interruptions? How will work be prioritised?_x000D_
• Is there an opportunity to balance the work load and/or different activities?_x000D_
• Where can continuous flow be put in place?_x000D_
• Where should pull systems be implemented?_x000D_
• Where, when and how will scheduling be done?_x000D_
• How do we perform load leveling and what will be the product mix?_x000D_
• What should the management time frame be?_x000D_
• What process improvements are necessary, to achieve the future state?_x000D_
• What will the future state metrics be?_x000D_
o Quality_x000D_
 Errors_x000D_
o Delivery_x000D_
 Lead time_x000D_
o Customer service_x000D_
 How well do you provide services (internal and external)_x000D_
o Cost_x000D_
 Reducing errors, rework, handoffs, waiting and lead time_x000D_
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