Philosophy exam

Quiz #4 on Module 4+: God and religion, pp. 24–35. Covers M1, M2, M3, M4. Posted by FRI MAY 29, due on WED JUNE 3, noon. Upload your answer document into the same “Assignments” folder from which you got the exam. Be sure to follow all the document policies and formatting rules stated in the syllabus. Your sentences must be grammatically well-formed and complete (not fragments). Thanks! And good luck!_x000D_
There is one question. The word limit is 300 words. Choose your words wisely; polish your essay several times before turning it in. Doing so will surely help._x000D_
Imagine (seriously) that you have a child and that you are a really good parent. Then, would the following statements be true of you?_x000D_
1. Would you want and try to know of every evil, bad, or harmful thing that could or might happen to your child? If you had the power of fore-knowledge, would you be able to anticipate all these things?_x000D_
2. Would you wish to have (and then attain) the power to prevent any of these unnecessary evils, bad things, or harms from happening to your child?_x000D_
3. Would you desire to prevent evil, bad, and harm from happening to your child, and so you prevent unnecessary evil, bad, and harm from happening to your child?_x000D_
Answer the three questions individually with Yes or No – and of course Why? (The “Why Yes?” or “Why No?” is crucial.)_x000D_
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