obsession Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

The obsession in Ahab in Moby Dick, Whitey in “Hey Sailor What Ship”, and Stannis Baratheon in Game of Thrones and how it eventually lead to their downfall.

For the second writing project of the semester, you will be asked to synthesize information from all of our readings so far. Integrative Essays provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate your intuitive, analytical, and empathetic understanding of class themes and readings.

For this assignment, you will analyze some theme or issue of importance to you as it has come up in course readings, lectures, and discussions. While your paper should have extensive references to class readings (because these will be the center of your essay), you must have at least one reference to each one of the items on the list below:

• At least two class readings
• Any class lecture
• Class discussion (this can be something your classmates said in large group or small activity discussion, or something you said as well)

In addition, you must also include some discussion of each of the following:

• Some element of popular culture: (music, film, tv, graphic novels, popular literature, contemporary art, advertising, editorials, etc).
• OPTIONAL: (some area of personal interest, knowledge, or experience).

To prepare for this assignment, start by thinking about what has been most compelling to you in the class so far. During the coming weeks, take notes during class that include smart things your fellow students say, specific passages in texts we discuss at length, and especially passages in the readings that seems like good concrete examples of some theme or pattern that interests you. These notes will be the foundation of your paper.

Think of the materials I have listed as “dots” – using your list of dots, work on developing some thread that connects them, ideally a thread that matters to you. Your job will be to connect the dots in some coherent way. You might want to prove something, or argue a position, or you may want to show how some image or concept changes in different historical periods. In your conclusion you should be able to articulate why the thread you have chosen is important in some way.

The paper should be 5-6 full pages in length (at minimum), double-spaced with 1-inch margins in 12pt font. It will be due on Tuesday 3/29 and is worth 30% of your total grade.

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