One page
Work alone.
Answers only
No blank lines
Be fully specific.
MLA-Style heading
Times New Roman 12-pt
Grade penalty if over one page
Answer the following questions:
Between 30 and 40 words per answer
Give word counts in parentheses after each answer.
30 June 2014 New Yorker Test
Elizabeth Kolbert œOld Bugs
1. What’s so cosmopolitan about roaches?
David Sedaris œStepping Out
2. What has David’s Fitbit led to?
Jeffrey Toobin œThe Absolutist
3. What’s wrong with Cruz’s contention that only conservative platforms have won Republicans the presidency?
4. How did he win the Medellin case?
5. What made him oppose the Republican leadership on the debt ceiling vote?
Nathen Heller œMoment to Moment
6. How does Linklater differ from other directors?
7. How does he rehearse?
Rebecca Curtis œThe Pink House
8. What is the significance of the tournadine ring?
9. What does the ending imply?
Hilton Als œJust Us
10. What is Treem saying?
Caleb Crain œThe Red and the Scarlet
11. What were Crane’s sources for The Red Badge of Courage?
12. What experience did he have of war?