I have done the Intro and Chpt1 but need to continue with the same flow. I prefer if I have a coordinator for this project and deliver the proper quality.
Please have a look at https://www.bkash.com
It is the most successful mobile payments solution in 2014. Nicholas Hughes, who set up MPesa is a director.
I also recommend that we interview www.telr.com . Mr. Sirish
Kumar <skumar@telr.com> to make contact. Please let me know before you write to him.
I want the focus on UAE only, to avoid the scope of work becoming overwhelming.
I would increase the scope of this project to consider Rewards as well as Payments. They are becoming intrinsically linked in most successful mobile
payment solutions. It is the added value for this type of transaction for both the consumer and business, I would suggest.
You can get a good idea of the cost of a mobile services from the price list of Mpesa and bkash. They also give a good argument that people will pay “ from all income
Take a look at œpaym in the UK. This is a very interesting initiative that is really taking off. Also Zapp, which is yet to launch but will have a major impact.
I believe that in the report you can make reference to the technology landscape in UAE “ as compared to US/UK. We are a follower here in UAE rather than the native
innovation available elsewhere today.
Have a look at œmpay, which is the flagship product of the Dubai Smart Government, to see how technology is being developed here. The major positive we have here is
the desire and commitment to mobile solutions.
In reviewing mobile options I recommend that you consider payments in 4 categories:
Account transfer
Stored value card (NOL)
Credit Card
We need to source data on the market share and trends in this area. Let me see what I can find for you.
One challenge that I think you can evaluate is how to present a bill and take payment (Bill presentment and payment). This is how I believe that mobile can be
successful by offering this level of integration and then
information to parties to the transaction. Leading to data on spending and targeted marketing.
We’re focussing on the business to consumer space but I would like to reference business to business, recognising that there will be a cap on the types of payments
that will be realistically in scope for businesses to pay
via mobile.