Select a country (other than the United States), that you would like to conduct market research. In a table format, compile the following information for at least a three-year period, leading up to the present day:
1. Principal imports and exports
2. Gross national product (GNP)
3. Demographics of the population
4. Per capita income
Based on your required reading for the week and using the appropriate data compiled in the table as support, define the target market and recommend products (goods or services) that you see potential for in that specific country. Use two to three scholarly sources as references. Your paper should be two to three pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted using APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center..
Research Assistance
To access the profile of your chosen country within the Mergent Database:
1. Click on œFind Articles and More
2. Click on œDatabases A-Z
3. Click on œM
4. Click on œMergent
5. On the right hand corner, Locate œCountry Profile
6. Click on the dropdown and select the country of your choice.
Please note: You may also contact the Librarian at any time for assistance in research. They may be reached by calling (866) 685-8089 or by emailing
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Due by 06/23/14 at 6:30 pm EST. Can provide access to writing center if needed. Price is for 2.5-3 pages of content
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