Order Description
I have two assignments, for the Managing Across Cultures Module (HR) “
I spoke with Emma in live support who advised me to send my request as one order “ but it is to be split into my 2 papers. I would like to send across my assignment is requests in two documents which specify the full assignment requirements “
1) is 1500 words “ Assignment Task
1. Discuss what you understand by the term ˜culture’ in the context of
international management.
2. Discuss and evaluate the main blocks to the effectiveness of culturally
diverse workforces.
In addressing the task you should use examples from organisations and / or case
studies you are familiar with.
You are required to draw reference to the insights from key cross cultural
researchers such as Hofstede, Trompenaars and Hall and other Cross Cultural
theorists that you may have read about in your research.
2) Final Report (upto 4000 words “ but will accept 3500) “ Assignment Task
Consider the cross cultural management implications for an organisation from
your home country setting up a satellite operation in another country (of your
N.B. You should assume this will result in a culturally diverse workforce.
You will need to critically evaluate the implications which may affect:
1. Leadership and motivation, communications and negotiating, decision
making and organisational relationships generally;
2. The development of cross cultural teams that can perform effectively as a
unit and be capable of adapting to changes in the external environment;
3. Finally, reflect on the relative importance of your own national cultural
background to understanding others from differing cultures. What lessons
can you learn about working in a multicultural environment?
Important Notes-Please READ
You will need to apply the theories of Hofstede, Trompenaars and Hall. You
should also bring in other Cross Cultural theorists that you may have read about
in your research. Page 3 of 5
Each question carries equal marks. The assignment is assessed holistically in
terms of your response to the questions and scenario.
Hall, E.T. (1976), Beyond Culture, Doubleday, New York
Managing Across Cultures (Part 1)
Individual First Written Assignment
Date for Submission: 20th January 2015
(Assignment Brief “ As part of the formal assessment ARUBAV2MAC07 you are required to submit a
Managing Across Cultures assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for
full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on
preparing and submitting assignments.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the module you should be able to:
1. Critically evaluate the subject of cross cultural management and its relevance to
issues of management and organisational behaviour;
2. Systematically understand the importance of awareness and sensitivity to their
own and others’ cultural background and influences;
3. Critically evaluate key issues influencing cultural difference, which may affect
leadership and motivation, communications and negotiating, decision making
and organisational relationships generally;
4. Assess the impact of techniques for managing cross cultural teams for high
5. Demonstrate flexibility in changing organisational contexts;
6. Reflect upon the impact of their own actions upon others in a variety of interpersonal
Word count: 2000 words (maximum).
Assignment Task
1. Discuss what you understand by the term ˜culture’ in the context of
international management.
2. Discuss and evaluate the main blocks to the effectiveness of culturally
diverse workforces.
In addressing the task you should use examples from organisations and / or case
studies you are familiar with.
You are required to draw reference to the insights from key cross cultural
researchers such as Hofstede, Trompenaars and Hall and other Cross Cultural
theorists that you may have read about in your research.
Important Notes-Please READ
The assignment is assessed holistically in terms of your response to the questions.Page 3 of 4
You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate
and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the Harvard
system (See ˜Referencing Guide’ in the Study Skills Guide in My Resources). You
must use the Harvard referencing method in your assignment.
Additional notes:
The word count excludes the title page, executive summary, reference list and
appendices. Where assessment questions have been reprinted from the
assessment brief these will also be excluded from the word count. ALL other
printed words ARE included in the word count. Printed words include those
contained within charts and tables. See ˜Word Count Policy’ in My Resources for
more information.
Assignments submitted late will not be accepted and will be marked as a 0%
Your assessment should be submitted as a single word or pdf file. For more
information please see the œGuide to Submitting an Assignment document available
on the module page on iLearn.