Love in the Age of Texting “ Has Texting Killed Romance
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Love in the Age of Texting “ Has Texting Killed Romance
In her article, œLove in the Age of Texting in the Washington Post, Natalie Moore writes the following:
œI once had a boyfriend who was Mr. Text-o-Rama. He never wanted to talk, but he always wanted to text. To him, the only way to communicate was via thumb. I remember a Saturday afternoon I spent with a female friend when I didn’t have my cellphone handy. By the evening, I had a logjam of text messages from him. The final mess of a message inquired whether our relationship was over because of my œlack of communication. I called him. He didn’t answer. And so it went. Click to read Love in the Age of Texting
In his article œHas Texting Killed Romance, in Harper’s Bazaar, movie star Ashton Kutcher says:
I was shooting a scene in my new film, No Strings Attached, in which I say to Natalie Portman, œIf you miss me ¦ you can’t text, you can’t e-mail, you can’t post it on my [Facebook] wall. If you really miss me, you come and see me. I began to think of all of the billions of intimate exchanges sent daily via fingers and screens, bouncing between satellites and servers. With all this texting, e-mailing, and social networking, I started wondering, are we all becoming so in touch with one another that we are in danger of losing touch? Click to read Has Texting Killed Romance?
After having read Love in the Age of Texting and œHas Texting Killed Romance, post on the following:
Is Moore’s assessment that œtechnology is slowly killing romance (para.6) accurate?
Moore uses irony to great effect. Select several instances and show how her use of irony furthers her purpose in the essay.
Do you agree with Kutcher’s observation that œwe all becoming so in touch with one another that we are in danger of losing touch?
In order to earn the full credit for this assignment, in addition to writing at a college level, you must:
Directly and completely respond to the prompt(s).
Include specific examples from the reading in your initial posting.
Be sure to answer the questions in the post directions in complete paragraphs. If you are wondering how much you should write, around 75 “ 100 words per question is a guideline. For the first post there are three questions, so that would mean you’d write three answers that are 75 “ 100 words each. You may write posts that are longer, but please don’t make extremely long posts because if everyone does that it will take us a really long time to read all of the comments. Numbering your answers or listing the question or a heading for each answer is also a good technique because it tells the reader exactly what question you are answering. You may also list the word count at the end of your post like this: (word count “ 300).
Rule of Thumbs: Love in the Age of Texting
By Natalie Y. Moore
Sunday, September 16, 2007
œHas Texting Killed Romance, in Harper’s Bazaar, movie star Ashton Kutcher: