1# Which of the following cannot be considered a waste?_x000D_


  1. Waiting time
  2. _x000D_

  3. Overproduction
  4. _x000D_

  5. Skilled plant workers
  6. _x000D_

  7. Long process setup
  8. _x000D_

#2 Who is known as the “father of scientific management”?_x000D_


  1. Henry Ford
  2. _x000D_

  3. Shigeo Shingo
  4. _x000D_

  5. Frank Gilbreth
  6. _x000D_

  7. Frederick Winslow Taylor
  8. _x000D_

#3 _________ means to clear the work area._x000D_


  1. Sort
  2. _x000D_

  3. Set in Order
  4. _x000D_

  5. Shine
  6. _x000D_

  7. Standardize
  8. _x000D_

#4 Which of the following is not synonymous with Lean Manufacturing?_x000D_


  1. World Class Manufacturing
  2. _x000D_

  3. Wasteless Manufacturing
  4. _x000D_

  5. Continuous Flow Manufacturing
  6. _x000D_

  7. Stockless Production
  8. _x000D_

#5 What is the similarity between Lean and Six Sigma?_x000D_


  1. Both view waste as anything that does not produce value
  2. _x000D_

  3. Both focus on process flow
  4. _x000D_

  5. Both deliver higher quality of service with greater speed
  6. _x000D_

  7. None of the above
  8. _x000D_

#6 State whether true or false:_x000D_
Single unit manufacturing cannot be approximated to continuous flow manufacturing._x000D_


  1. True
  2. _x000D_

  3. False
  4. _x000D_

#7 Which of the following is not a Lean Tool?_x000D_


  1. Standardization
  2. _x000D_

  3. 5s-Cando
  4. _x000D_

  5. Kanban
  6. _x000D_

  7. Design of Experiments
  8. _x000D_

#8 Which of the following is true with regard to Synchronized Flow Manufacturing?_x000D_


  1. It means coordination between plant workers and management
  2. _x000D_

  3. It means processes and related decisions in the management must be synchronous with each other
  4. _x000D_

  5. It improves the manufacturing system by setting off an increase in operating costs
  6. _x000D_

  7. It means that all parts of the system must be continuous and in harmony with each other to avoid
  8. _x000D_

inventory pileups and stoppages._x000D_
#9 Which principle of Lean makes use of spaghetti charts?_x000D_


  1. Value
  2. _x000D_

  3. Flow
  4. _x000D_

  5. Value Stream
  6. _x000D_

  7. Pull
  8. _x000D_

#10 Whom did the four locations on the large board of the Beer Game not represent?_x000D_


  1. The Factory
  2. _x000D_

  3. The Distributor
  4. _x000D_

  5. The Customer
  6. _x000D_

  7. The Wholesaler
  8. _x000D_

#11 Synchronous Flow Manufacturing plans inventory around:_x000D_


  1. Capacity Enhancing Resources
  2. _x000D_

  3. Capacity Defining Resources
  4. _x000D_

  5. Capacity Constraint Resources
  6. _x000D_

  7. capacity Cutting resources
  8. _x000D_

#12 How many wastes are identified by Lean?_x000D_


  1. Only 1
  2. _x000D_

  3. 10
  4. _x000D_

  5. 8
  6. _x000D_

  7. 100
  8. _x000D_

#13 For any company to reach a ‘level 6’ sigma, there should only be _______ defects per million opportunities._x000D_


  1. 1
  2. _x000D_

  3. 2.2
  4. _x000D_

  5. zero
  6. _x000D_

  7. 3.4
  8. _x000D_

#14 According to the Theory of Constraints, ______________________._x000D_


  1. every process or system has a constraint that acts as an impediment in attaining less of its goal
  2. _x000D_

  3. the manufacturing process is enhanced by its capacity constraint resource
  4. _x000D_

  5. every process or system has a constraint that acts as an impediment in attaining more of its goal
  6. _x000D_

  7. time lost at a constraint can be gained back
  8. _x000D_

#15 The various kinds of Kanban include:_x000D_


  1. Supplier Kanban
  2. _x000D_

  3. In-Factory Kanban
  4. _x000D_

  5. Customer Kanban
  6. _x000D_

  7. In-House Kanban
  8. _x000D_

  9. All of the above
  10. _x000D_

#16 What are the three C’s essential for Supply Chain Management?_x000D_


  1. Cooperation
  2. _x000D_

  3. Communication
  4. _x000D_

  5. Coordination
  6. _x000D_

  7. Customer Satisfaction
  8. _x000D_

#17 Which of the following is necessary for the success of Lean implementation?_x000D_


  1. There needs to be a total cultural change in the organization
  2. _x000D_

  3. The command-and-control approach needs to be imbibed
  4. _x000D_

  5. The people have to be downsized
  6. _x000D_

  7. The value stream has to be mapped
  8. _x000D_

  9. The senior mangement need not be active participants in the Lean implementation program
  10. _x000D_

#18 What is the main function of Lean?_x000D_


  1. Eliminating muda
  2. _x000D_

  3. Increasing cycle time
  4. _x000D_

  5. Downsizing personnel
  6. _x000D_

  7. Improving process capability
  8. _x000D_

#19 The data that does not need to be communicated in a Visual Factory environment are:_x000D_


  1. process metrics
  2. _x000D_

  3. the name of the employees
  4. _x000D_

  5. work instructions
  6. _x000D_

  7. general plant information
  8. _x000D_

#20 A flexible process is:_x000D_


  1. an expensive and time consuming process because it requires change of equipment and tools for
  2. _x000D_

different customer demands_x000D_


  1. one which can be reconfigured to give different output for different customer demands
  2. _x000D_

  3. a ‘push’ system
  4. _x000D_

  5. one that generates a level and consistent schedule
  6. _x000D_

#21 What is Takt Time?_x000D_


  1. The time required to manufacture a product
  2. _x000D_

  3. The consideration of customer demands and the time of the demands
  4. _x000D_

  5. The time between the order and the delivery of the product
  6. _x000D_

  7. None of the above
  8. _x000D_

#22 What is not an advantage of SMED?_x000D_


  1. It helps to achieve consistency in the process
  2. _x000D_

  3. It helps in continuous improvement of the process
  4. _x000D_

  5. It increases elasticity in the process
  6. _x000D_

  7. It is a measure of performance
  8. _x000D_

#23 What are the advantages of applying Lean to a supply chain?_x000D_


  1. It helps speed up the expansion and execution operations
  2. _x000D_

  3. It turns the organization into a major customer of all the suppliers they have dealt with
  4. _x000D_

  5. It helps to decrease the number of variables with which the production, quality and dependability has
  6. _x000D_

to cope with_x000D_


  1. All of the above
  2. _x000D_

  3. None of the above
  4. _x000D_

State whether true or false:_x000D_
#24 Applying Lean to Supply Chain Management helps to certify the suppliers._x000D_


  1. True
  2. _x000D_

  3. False
  4. _x000D_

#25 Which method helps in the optimization of machinery?_x000D_


  1. FMEA
  2. _x000D_

  3. Total Productive Maintenance
  4. _x000D_

  5. Kanban
  6. _x000D_

  7. Cycle Time Reduction
  8. _x000D_

#26 What does Kanban mean?_x000D_


  1. A card-signal
  2. _x000D_

  3. A go ahead signal
  4. _x000D_

  5. A warning-signal
  6. _x000D_

  7. None of the above
  8. _x000D_

#27 Which of the following losses does not eliminate TPM?_x000D_


  1. Breakdown losses
  2. _x000D_

  3. Production losses
  4. _x000D_

  5. Speed losses
  6. _x000D_

  7. Quality losses
  8. _x000D_

#28 What is also known as ‘law zero’ in Lean Six Sigma?_x000D_


  1. The Law of Waste
  2. _x000D_

  3. The Law of the Market
  4. _x000D_

  5. The Law of Focus
  6. _x000D_

  7. The Law of Competition
  8. _x000D_

#29 Who among the following is involved in the implementation of Kaizen?_x000D_


  1. Top Management
  2. _x000D_

  3. Suppliers
  4. _x000D_

  5. Workers
  6. _x000D_

  7. Customers
  8. _x000D_

#30 Which of these features does not describe the features of the Ford system?_x000D_


  1. Materials do not go from “dock to stock” but from dock to the factory floor
  2. _x000D_

  3. Inventory binds capital and getting rid of inventory frees capital
  4. _x000D_

  5. Pull system
  6. _x000D_

  7. Reducing the cycle time also frees capital
  8. _x000D_

#31 Which of the following is not done by poka-yoke?_x000D_


  1. It easily recognizes flaws in a product and thwarts the manufacturing of incorrect parts
  2. _x000D_

  3. It signals and specifies a trait in a product or a process
  4. _x000D_

  5. It helps in the optimization of resources in an organization
  6. _x000D_

  7. It is the first step in proofing a system.
  8. _x000D_

#32 Cycle Time Reduction is:_x000D_


  1. the time needed to complete a task within a process
  2. _x000D_

  3. the time needed to manufacture a product
  4. _x000D_

  5. the time needed to design a product
  6. _x000D_

  7. the time needed to deliver a product to the customer
  8. _x000D_

#33 What is the formula to calculate cycle time?_x000D_


  1. [Inventory (units)] / [Demand (units/time)]
  2. _x000D_

  3. Available work time / Customer required volume
  4. _x000D_

  5. Customer required volume / Available work time
  6. _x000D_

  7. None of the above
  8. _x000D_

#34 Why did Ford begin to lose its hold in the market?_x000D_


  1. There were clashes between the laborers and the Ford system
  2. _x000D_

  3. There was a sudden rise in the product variety
  4. _x000D_

  5. Annual changes in models and multiple colors and options suited the Ford factories
  6. _x000D_

  7. All of the above
  8. _x000D_

#35 Which of these need not be a feature of Lean metrics?_x000D_


  1. They are fundamental for decision-making purposes
  2. _x000D_

  3. Building a Lean enterprise is an important basis for good metrics
  4. _x000D_

  5. They should be made keeping in mind the goals of the competitor
  6. _x000D_

  7. They should be simple to understand and presented in a clear manner
  8. _x000D_

#36 Who introduced the concept of mass production?_x000D_


  1. Frank Gilbreth
  2. _x000D_

  3. Henry Ford
  4. _x000D_

  5. Benjamin Franklin
  6. _x000D_

  7. Frederick Winslow Taylor
  8. _x000D_

#37 Pull System is another name for ______._x000D_


  1. Poka-Yoke
  2. _x000D_

  3. Kanban
  4. _x000D_

  5. Standard Work
  6. _x000D_

  7. SMED
  8. _x000D_

#38 What is the function of SMED?_x000D_


  1. To increase output and quality losses
  2. _x000D_

  3. To reduce the changeover in a process
  4. _x000D_

  5. To improve supplier relations
  6. _x000D_

  7. All of the above
  8. _x000D_

#39 Where was the first TPM conference held?_x000D_


  1. Canada
  2. _x000D_

  3. Japan
  4. _x000D_

  5. The United Kingdom
  6. _x000D_

  7. The United States
  8. _x000D_

#40 Six Sigma processes are implemented by organizations to reduce __________._x000D_


  1. defects in their processes
  2. _x000D_

  3. costs of poor quality
  4. _x000D_

  5. infrastructure defects
  6. _x000D_

  7. process improvements
  8. _x000D_

  9. employees
  10. _x000D_

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