In his narrative \”The Fender-Bender\” (pp. 203-205), Ramón Pérez uses the minor incident of a fender-bender to explain the plight of the undocumented immigrant. Use the following questions to guide your discussion of his essay: What is the author’s purpose in telling the story? What do we learn from the experience?

Week 2 Prompts (answer both): Prompt 1: In his narrative “The Fender-Bender” (pp. 203-205), Ramón Pérez uses the minor incident of a fender-bender to explain the plight of the undocumented immigrant. Use the following questions to guide your discussion of his essay: What is the author\’s purpose in telling the story? What do we learn from the experience? Why is a minor incident like a fender-bender a better device to explain the plight of the undocumented immigrant than a dramatic one? What does the exchange between the Chicano patrolman and Pérez reveal about cultural conflict? Prompt 2: In the process essay “How to Land the Job You Want,” (pp. 366-368), Davidyne Mayleas offers tips and strategies for entering the job market. Use the following questions to guide your discussion of her essay: How effective is the opening narrative? Does it dramatize the need for Mayleas\’s instructions? What other introduction \”hook\” techniques could be used here? How does Mayleas organize