IMVAIN rating scale

1) Watch the news video found at and answer following questions.

a. Has this reporter verified the information with direct evidence? Explain why or why not (about 100 words) (1 point).

b. Fill out the following two source evaluations using the IMVAIN rating scale. Put an œX in the appropriate boxes, and then explain why you chose this rating. The middle box indicates only œsomewhat in degree, or that the rating is not applicable (but you still have to explain your choice regardless) (3 points x 2).

IMVAIN rating scale

1) Watch the news video found at and answer following questions.

a. Has this reporter verified the information with direct evidence? Explain why or why not (about 100 words) (1 point).

b. Fill out the following two source evaluations using the IMVAIN rating scale. Put an œX in the appropriate boxes, and then explain why you chose this rating. The middle box indicates only œsomewhat in degree, or that the rating is not applicable (but you still have to explain your choice regardless) (3 points x 2).
