Enterprise Strategy report Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

You are required to conduct a research assignment showing the strategic role of technology in the designated company – Littlewoods (https://www.littlewoods.com/).

Littlewoods was founded in 1932 and is now the third largest clothing retailer and fifth largest non-food retailer in the UK. Littlewoods offers a huge range of over 40,000 products for every family and home, ranging from toys and clothes to electrical goods and sports equipment, as well as providing affordable payment options. Write a report discussing Littlewoods’ strategy.

You must critically analyse how the company is using information systems to support its business strategy. You must formulate and evaluate the company’s strategy using theory and strategy frameworks given in the module. More specifically, you need to discuss from a theoretical perspective (conceptual framework) how Littlewoods is using technology in order to build a sustainable competitive advantage. The conceptual framework should be used to critically analyse the strategies developed by Littlewoods, (for example Porter’s models). You should not use more than 3 models.

In the conclusion, you should clearly outline recommendations for further development of the company’s strategy, taking into consideration the role of ICT in future business operations.

You must use reputable and recognised sources to conduct your research. Students must avoid using obscure websites. Your research must consider any recent developments in Littlewoods’ strategy.

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