Early Life Experiences and Potential

When the child is the centre of positive communication, nurses and healthcare professionals engage in positive communication with the whole family when caring for children and young people. There is a growing trend to understanding families from a ˜family strengths framework’, to identify what families are doing well and what they can do to optimise positive outcomes. The family strengths framework is a positive approach to health care, looking at how families succeed and promote resilience. (Smith & Ford 2013 p.98)

The Bioecological Theory of Human Development is described as a process, person, context, time (P-P-C-T) model.
Explain each of the four components (P-P-C-T) and how they interact to strengthen resilience across the age span of 0 “ 24 years.
Identify and include in your discussion one journal article for each component of the bioecological model (P-P-C-T) that demonstrates evidence of how it influences child and youth outcomes.
Illustrate your discussion with examples of strengths during childhood that influenced health and well-being outcomes.
Propose strategies supported by research and the literature that that could be implemented in practice that demonstrate how the P-P-C-T model can promote resilience in Australian children and youth (aged 0-24). These strategies can be in any context influencing child and youth outcomes i.e. processes in the micro, meso, exo or macro systems and address any aspect of the P-P-C-T model.
Submit your work in a Word Document into the Assessment 2 Dropbox in MyLO by the due date.
Library Readings
Lerner, R 2002, ˜Life-span, action theory, life-course and bioeccological perspectives’, Concepts and theories of human development, 3rd ed., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey, pp. 238-242.
Li, J, McMurray, A & Stanley, F 2008, Modernity’s paradox and the structural determinants of child health and well-being, Health Sociology Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 1, pp. 64-77.
Bronfenbrenner, U & Ceci, S 1994, Nature-nurture reconceptualized in developmental perspective: a bioecological model,Psychological Review, Vol. 101, Iss. 4, pp. 568-586.

