Dantes Inferno

Dantes Inferno

Type of service:                Academic Writing

Work type:         Annotated bibliography

Format:                MLA

Pages:   2 pages ( 550 words, Double spaced

Academic level:                Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Discipline:            English 101

Title:      Dante’s Inferno

Number of sources:        4

Paper instructions:         


To prepare for your research paper, you will submit an annotated bibliography that contains at least four scholarly research sources.

These sources should come ONLY from the GMC library databases; going beyond GMC Library should only be done when there are no valid sources for your topic there, and even then, sources should be limited to .edu or .org sources- avoid anonymous.com sources at all costs (Wikipedia, Sparknotes, LitCharts, etc). Contact me if you’re unsure about a source’s validity.

For each source, you will first provide an MLA-formatted works cited entry for that source. Remember, the lit databases at GMC Library will do those entries for you.

Then, underneath each individual source, you will provide a paragraph-length annotation. An annotation is a brief summary of the source’s main ideas or points, and may also include a sentence or two about how/why you think this source is relevant to your idea or helpful for your paper.


You must provide at least four source entries.

Each research source should be a critical argument/point-of-view on the reading you’ve chosen for your research paper. Sources that only provide biographical information or plot summary are unacceptable. Sources should be scholarly and relevant to your topic.


The annotation for each source entry should be a paragraph in length (around 100-150 words).

You must include a brief summary of the source. This summary should include the author’s thesis.

You must provide an explanation how this source is relevant to your planned research paper topic.

For more information on how to write an annotated bibliography, you should view the Purdue OWL’s website here: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/common_writing_assignments/annotated_bibliographies/annotated_bibliographies.html