Critical Issues in Society Health Essay Dissertation Help – Write My School Essay

Deliverable Length: Key Assignment Outline (will help with the individual project that will be due next

The below criteria should form the bases of the outline:

Identify type of facility used
Which ethical theory your going to use

•Develop a Health Organization Disaster Planning and Response Strategy that links federal, state, and local agency authorities (supports the disaster response) and reflects the potential ethical decision-making that a health care leader may be confronted with.
•Include ethical theories and principles that support the infrastructure of the strategy.
•Description of the ethical decision-making model
•The goal(s) of the strategy
•Details about using the ethical decision-making model of your choice
•Types of ethical decision-making problems
•Information on how federal, state, and local governments should distribute resources
•Information on compensation and allocation of resources
•A plan for deployment of personnel
•A plan for preparing the personnel and facility
•Practicing disaster preparedness competencies







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