Constitutionality of partial birth abortion

In this paper, you will make a convincing argument lor BOTH sides of a coutt case (topics listed below)
that has been considered by the U.S. Supreme Court or a U.S. Court ofAppeals within the past twenty years or
so. Some of these issues have gone to the Supreme Court more than once. The Paper is DUE on May 5³˜, the
last day of class.
To be successlul in this kind of project, you must be aware that there are two sides to the case. You
cannot assume that all the merits or good points belong to one side. Thus you must recognize the strengths and
weaknesses o1- both sides.
At least six rel’erences must be used in this paper. At least four references need to be from law iournals
or laq reviews.
The best database 1br tinding law reviews is Lexis-Nexis; other useful databases are JSTOR, Proquest

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Research, and Hein On-l,ine. Helpful information, transcripts ofarguments and amicus briet’s can otien be
found at SCOTUS Blog,, or Legal Information Institute/Lll-Comell. Amicus briefs are research
papers submittcd by individuals or groups who are not partics to the case, but often contain good pro-and-con
arguments on the issues in the case. No textbooks, wikis, or media./news sources are to be used as reftrences’
The paper must use an accepted citation form such as cndnotes, MLA or APA (in{ext) style. The paper
should be 6-9 pages long (one inch margins, double-spaced, not counting ref’erences).
Remember to identily the key facts ofthe case(s), the key legal questions presented in the case(s), the
critical legal arguments, and any other supporting historical, moral, social, economic or political arguments.
Discussing the legal arguments lor both sides is the most impofiant part of the paper.

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Paper Topic Choices:
l) Is it constitutional for a state or the Congress to outlaw the procedure known as partial-bimh abortion?
2) Can Congress regulate the Internet to protect children from exposure to pornography? Can Congress or states regulate
the use ofthe Internet in public libraries via contellt filters?
3) Are public schools allowed to require students to be drug tested in order to participate in any extra-curricular activities?
4) Is the requirement that public school students recite the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional because it contains the
words œunder God thus promoting religion?
5) Does the right of Free Speech protect those who choose to protest at the luneral of a solider or does a family have a
right to mourn their dead without interference from protestors?
6) Can Congress outlaw the wearing of military medals, lying about earning a medal, or claiming the award of miiitary
decorations by persons who have not earned them?
7) Can a state university deny recognition to a student religious organization ifthe organization’s beliefs go contrary to a
school’s all-access/non-discrim ination policy for recognized student groups?
8) Is the strip search ofa middle school student permissible in a search for drugs under the Fourth Amendment?

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