Client Directed Outcome Informed counselling

Rationale for assessment: The counselling world has a history of promoting traditions, theories, and fads about what enhances counselling effectiveness. This assessment aims to assist students to gain an outcome research informed perspective about what improves counsellor performance and client outcomes. Students will also be able to describe what CDOI work is and document the evidence that supports this approach._x000D_
Doing what works in counselling_x000D_
Describe how counselling outcome research led to the development of the Client Directed Outcome Informed (CDOI) principles and practice. Describe what CDOI is. 50%_x000D_
Differentiate between the CDOI meta-model and counselling models. Should counselling models and interventions be discarded when one adopts CDOI? Why or why not? 20%_x000D_
Provide strategies for how a professional counsellor can improve their outcomes, with justification from outcome research. 15%_x000D_
The following texts may assist in your assignment:_x000D_
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