Children’s Social Emotional Development

For this assignment, you need to consider the wide range of children’s books that focus on social emotional development and think of follow up activities to do with children around that book. Follow these steps:

1. Select a children’s book that focuses on social emotional development and is appropriate to preschool age group.

2. Read the book several times and highlight the different themes that are included in the book content. The themes could be related to school, nature, sports, birthdays, etc. but they must have some link to social emotional skills.

3. Develop your plan to use the book, using the form below:

Book Title, Author, illustrator, Publisher and year of publication

(1 point)

Synopsis: Write 3 “ 4 sentences summarizing what the book is about.

(1 point)

Age Appropriateness: 1 3 sentences explaining why you think the book is appropriate for a child of preschool age

(1 point)

Discuss how the book promotes social emotional development, and support that with specific examples

(2 points)

Develop 4 support activities. These may be discussion questions, conversation starters, art, construction, writing, or any other activity that can be used before, during and after reading the book to promote social emotional development

(5 points)