Biography of a Manager

Biography of a Manager (20%, 600 words max.)

Your Name:

  1. Name of manager:
  2. Name of organization:
  3. Why you chose this person (2 or 3 sentences max.):

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  • Management Functions (100 words): Choose one of the management functions listed in the textbook and briefly describe how this manager performed this function. Try to choose one that sets this manager apart or that made them famous

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  • Mintzbeg Management Roles (100 words): Choose three management roles that the manager you have selected particularly excelled at. Explain why you chose these roles.

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  • Organization (100 words): Detail what organization the manager worked within. Describe the size and type of the organization using concepts from module 1.

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  • The Specific Environment (100 words): Detail the specific environment of the organization including stakeholders, customers, suppliers and competitors.

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  • The General Environment (100 words): Detail the general environment of the organization, including political, economic, sociocultural, technological, environmental and legal conditions. You will not have the space to give a full account of each of these because of the word limit, so choose to convey what you think is most important to understanding the general environment of this organization.

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  • Closing thoughts (2 or 3 sentences max): In a few short sentences, summarize your impression of what made this particular manager stand out.

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