Analysis of Damballah Short Stories by John Edgar Wideman Essay Dissertation Help – Write My School Essay

For this assignment, you will not be able to analyze or interpret the characters’ lives, behaviors or motivations as if they are real and exist independently of the act of writing, regardless of if you use one of the critical frameworks you have read in this course. Your writing must be at the level of one of the following:
• authorship (writer’s technique, approach or methodology)
• elements of literature
• language
• setting and environment
• literature as political or social commentary
• or virtually any other approach that is not focused on psychoanalysis

The stories are so different from each other that they will not easily allow you to approach them the same way. Still, I strongly encourage you to purposefully vary your approaches to each of the stories; this should help you open up possibilities for your final paper’s thesis statement and supporting evidence.
For this final paper, please incorporate the other readings more fully into your analysis. Make sure you quote and cite properly and often. You are not obligated to use all 12 stories in your analysis, just a minimum of 3.