

The free passion assignment is a paper on human behaviour. The course is broken up into 2 feedback passion assignment have choosen addiction for my topic looking into porn/sexual addiction.

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I plan do design a book for the main at. œAddiction for dumbies. within the book ill have a chapter identifying porn/sexual addiction and another chapter on over coming the addiction.
First part of the feedback assignment is as follows.

Free Passion feedback assignments:

Free Passion Assignment Feedback 1
The first FP assignment will contain the following:
Name: ID#:
1. Title:

2. What aspect of behaviour are you looking at? (200 words)

3. Why is this interesting for you? (100 words)

4. List three peer-reviewed academic journal articles you
have read that explore your passion and in 50 words explain
what the author(s) are arguing. (reference using the Harvard

5. Explain how you propose to present your FP assignment
(200 words)

6. Explain how your work will fit the assessment criteria and
on what basis we should assess you (200 words)

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