Access to health care technology

Assess your community’s access to health care technology and determine how that access (or lack therof) impacts your community economically……


My community is a middle class suburb community that is geared toward family and neighborhood unity. Access to health care facilities in the community has not been easy since majority of the citizens do not have the economic power and medical insurance cover to enable them access health care services. Health care costs are equally high hence most people delay and even forego treatment for fear of high medical bills. The implication of such delays is the ultimate greater health care costs later on as illness become more serious.

This paper analyses the community demand for health care technology, health capital and medical insurance. It evaluates the economic implication of health care technology in a middle class community and highlights the reasons behind increased demand for health capital and medical insurance by the community. A conclusive remarks and recommendations regarding health care services in the  community are provided in the report.

1)    Assess your community’s access to health care technology

Many communities are questioning the efficiency of the current health care strategies employed by the government to address health care problems in the country. The community has collectively initiated measures aimed at helping the citizens to use medical technology effectively to enhance access to quality health care services. The local governments have consistently encouraged and motivated the community to collectively support health care solutions which can be implemented with the available local resources to assist them meet their health care needs, (Ketchum, 2001).

Disease management technologies have been developed and are used to promote health aging and minimize lifestyle related diseases among the constituents of the community, (Adomeit et al, 2001). These are used to effectively manage diseases by revealing their health problems early enough hence saving on health care costs as well as reducing lost productivity in the places of work. The employed technologies are used to monitor the health status of patients hence enabling quick response from medical personnel.

For instance patients with cardiac problems like heart failures are provided with miniature telemetric biosensors which monitor their body physiology and whenever it detects any trouble, it automatically alerts health care providers enabling them to respond in good time. Other available technologies within my local community are devises used to remotely detect sugar levels and automatically send signals to health care practitioners incase of any trouble.

The use of technology does not however replace face to face meetings between patients and the physicians. Patients are regularly trained on how to use the given technology and how to take their medication. Direct physical examination, analysis and consultations are regularly undertaken by health care professionals to assist in managing disease.

Economically impacts to the community

The use of health care technology has reduced the cost of health care among the constituents. The scheme is affordable by the locals since they collectively contribute towards it. The use of health care technologies have reduced face to face consultations and examinations which are costly. Delayed treatment among the constituents has been reduced drastically hence the associated medical care costs in later stages of illness.

The use of health care technology saves insurers a large amount of money in medical bills through effective health provisions. It also reduces insurance premiums paid by policy holders which can be invested in other income generating activities. Patients are monitored and attended to in good time and away from health care facilities which reduces medical bills. Health care technologies reduce lost productivity in workplaces because they facilitate monitoring of patients at their workplaces while working and in their homes.

2)            Assess your community’s demand for health capital

The demand for health care is high within the community. Constituents have invested a lot in health care capital as a group to enable them access health care services. Some have taken up insurance medical cover which enables one to easily access health care services at a time of need. Some have invested in community health schemes run by the local government. These schemes have provided them with necessary health care technologies and services useful in the management of health care.

Factors contributing to the level of demand  

Several factors have contributed to the increasing demand for health capital within the community. People enjoy life more when they are healthy hence the increased demand for health capital to continue living a healthy life and enjoy life. Healthy people are able to work and increase their assets hence the increased demand for health capital to allow for healthy working and increase productivity of people. (Grossman, 1972).

Increased demand occasioned by increased medical costs. This has forced many people to invest in medical insurance to cater for the ever increasing costs of health services. There has been a gradual increase in cases of terminal diseases like cancer, cardiac and weight related complications in the modern society today, these has also contributed to the increasing demand for health capital among the constituents.
3) Assess your community’s demand for health insurance and Factors contributing to the level of demand

There has been significant demand for health care insurance within the community and the general population which is attributed to increased costs of Medicare in the country. The community has recorded a soaring demand for the health insurance in the last decade. There have been reforms in medical insurance which culminated into increased consumer choice for medical cover that were affordable by majority of the population, (Buchmueller,  2006). Consumers are able to choose from a variety of health plans based on price and quality.

Another reason for increased insurance demand by the community is decreasing numbers of health care providers in the public health care facilities which have led to increased costs of medical care in the private sector. The programs within the public facilities are unable to meet the needs of the community population, (NOSORH 2006).  The increasing numbers of aging population have significantly increased the demand for medical insurance among the population.


The changing landscapes in the communities have resulted in changes in programs and resources needed to provide quality health care services. There has been a change in population size, demographic structure, risk factors, technological and economic conditions among others which demands for changes in health care programs and resources to cater for the new changes.

New and emerging health care technologies have changed health care provision to patients in a great way. However, these technologies are complex and challenging. This advancement in technology is an indication that in the near future, decision makers and general population will have to rely heavily on their academic education, life experiences and wisdom as well as their ability to develop and execute necessary decisions of life. Recent reforms within the public and health insurance markets have led to massive changes in the available options for consumers to choose from hence the increased demand for health care insurance among the citizens.




Adomeit, A., A. Baur, and R. Salfeld. (2001): A New Model for Disease Management. The McKinsey Quarterly 2001 Number 4: 92-101.

Grossman, M. (1972): On the concept of health capital and the demand for health,” Journal of Political Economy, 80(2):223{55.

NOSORH. (2006): National Rural Health Issues Revised September 2006 retrieved from

Ketchum, S. Health Care: Is it a Local Issue? Public Management. 83(7): 6-12, 2001

Buchmueller. T. C (2006): consumer demand fro health care insurance. NBER; research summery retrieved from


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