Assume metastable equilibrium conditions and trace amounts of C in Fe

Use the diffusion data in the table below for atoms in iron to answer the questions that follow. Assume metastable equilibrium conditions and trace amounts of C in Fe. The gas constant in SI units is 8.314 J (mol K)._x000D_
Q (J/mol)_x000D_
D0 (m2/s)_x000D_
C in FCC iron_x000D_
1.38 × 105_x000D_
2.3 × 10-5_x000D_
C in BCC iron_x000D_
8.74 × 104_x000D_
1.1 × 10-6_x000D_
Fe in FCC iron_x000D_
2.79 × 105_x000D_
6.5 × 10-5_x000D_
Fe in BCC iron_x000D_
2.46 × 105_x000D_
4.1 × 10-4_x000D_
(a) Plot the diffusion coefficient as a function of inverse temperature (1/T) showing all four diffusion couples in the table._x000D_
(b) Recall the temperatures for phase transitions in iron, and for each case, indicate on the graph the temperature range over which the diffusion data is valid._x000D_
(c) Why is the activation energy for Fe diffusion higher than that for C diffusion in iron?_x000D_
(d) Why is the activation energy for diffusion higher in FCC iron when compared to BCC iron?_x000D_
(e) Does C diffuse faster in FCC Fe than in BCC Fe? Support your answer with a numerical calculation and state any assumptions made._x000D_
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